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Story of the hares

Story of the hares

Story of the hares who sent a hare as ambassador to the elephant, bidding him say, ‘I come to thee as the ambassador of the Moon in heaven to bid thee beware of (drinking from) this water-spring,’ as is told in full in the Book of Kalíla (and Dimna). حکایت خرگوشان کی خرگوشی راپیش پیل […]

How the prophets answered their sneers

How the prophets answered their sneers

How the prophets answered their sneers and uttered parables unto them. جواب گفتن انبیا طعن ایشان را و مثل زدن ایشان را ای دریغا که دوا در رنجتان گشت زهر قهر جان آهنجتان Oh, alas that in (the case of) your disease the remedy has become for you the poison of soul-wringing (Divine) vengeance. ظلمت […]

Prayer مناجات

Prayer مناجات

How Ayáz deemed himself culpable

How Ayáz deemed himself culpable

Commentary on the Saying of Pharaoh’s magicians
How the King was about to kill the Amírs
How the Amírs reviled Ayáz
How the pearl
How the King (Mahmud)
Explaining that the words
How the monarch, on being acquainted
How the girl disclosed the secret
Puellam risus occupat propter libidinem Klalífae
Venit Khalífa ad puellam formosam concubitus causa