Usually, Language teaching methods and strategies try to force learners to notice based on explanations of grammar, drills, and other exercises and class activities. We think these approaches are intrusive and stressful. Maybe you don’t easily understand many of the explanations, and find it difficult to remember rules.
We think it is more enjoyable to learn by listening and reading and using the language when you feel like it. Here are some things that can help us notice while just doing what we like to do in Persian.
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1. Talk To Yourself

If you do not have someone to practice speaking Persian with, there’s nothing wrong with talking to yourself in Persian.
Maybe it sounds really weird, but actually speaking to yourself in Persian is a great way to practice if you’re not able to use it all the time.
If you don’t know how to go about learning Persian, this can keep new words and phrases fresh in your mind. Also, it helps you to build up your confidence the next time you speak with someone else.
2. Act Like A Child

With this language-learning method, surely we don’t mean throwing tantrums, but rather trying to learn the way kids do. Actually, the direct link between age and the ability to learn is tenuous, with some studies and research dispelling the myth that children are inherently better learners than adults. The important key to learning as fast as a kid may be simply to take on certain childlike attitudes: a desire to play in the language, a lack of self-consciousness, and a willingness to make mistakes. Furthermore, it helps to come in with fewer preconceived notions about what a language is and can be.
In fact, humans learn by making mistakes. As children, we are expected to make mistakes, but as adults, mistakes are taboo. Think how an adult is more likely to say “I can’t” rather than “I haven’t learned that yet.” To be seen as failing (or merely struggling) is a social taboo that doesn’t burden little children as much. When it comes to learning Persian, admitting that you don’t know everything is the key to growth and freedom. Please let go of your grown-up inhibitions!
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3. Repetitive listening

Please listen to the content of interest more than once, especially when starting out in a language. When you start in a language you need to listen to the same content ten or more times, since there are always bits and pieces that you just do not get, despite having read the text and looked up all the words. Actually, the effort to try to “get” these fuzzy parts keeps you focused and trying to notice. You gradually notice the fuzzy parts and also reinforce the parts that you already understood. you will notice more and more clearly, although much remains vague at times.
4. Know Your Motivation

This language-learning tip might sound obvious, but if you don’t have a good reason to learn Persian, you are less likely to stay motivated in the long run. Wanting to impress English speakers with your Persian isn’t the best reason — wanting to get to know a Perisna person in their own language is a more noble one. But no matter your motivation, once you’ve decided on a language, it’s so important to commit.
5. Leave Your Comfort Zone

Actually, willingness to make mistakes means being ready to put yourself in potentially embarrassing situations. This can be scary, but it’s one of the good ways to develop and improve your Persian. No matter how much you learn, you won’t ever speak Persian without putting yourself out there: talk to Persian speakers, ask for directions, order food, try to tell a joke. The more often you do this, the bigger your comfort zone becomes and the more at ease you’ll be in new and different situations.
In the beginning, you’re going to encounter difficulties: maybe the grammar, maybe the pronunciation, words or you don’t really get the sayings. But we think the most important thing is to always develop this feeling. Every native speaker has a feel for their own native language, and that’s basically what makes a native speaker — whether you can make the Persian language your own.
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