Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی

I have heard that Lukman in complexion was black,
And in tending his ill-favoured body was slack.
Some one thought him a runaway slave he once had,
And employed him in working ‘mong clay at Baghdad.
شنیدم که لقمان سیهفام بود
نه تنپرور و نازک اندام بود
یکی بنده خویش پنداشتش
زبون دید و در کار گل داشتش
In a year, for his master a mansion he reared;
No one thought he was else than the slave he appeared.
When before him arrived, then, the slave who had fled,
The sight of Lukman filled the master with dread.
جفا دید و با جور و قهرش بساخت
به سالی سرایی ز بهرش بساخت
چو پیش آمدش بنده رفته باز
ز لقمانش آمد نهیبی فراز
He fell at his feet and advanced pleas profuse;
Lukman smiled and said, ” Are your pleadings of use?
From your harshness my liver turned to blood for a year;
Can that in an hour from my heart disappear?
به پایش در افتاد و پوزش نمود
بخندید لقمان که پوزش چه سود؟
به سالی ز جورت جگر خون کنم
به یک ساعت از دل بدر چون کنم؟
And yet, oh good man! I’ll forgive even thee,
For the profit to you caused no, damage to me.
For yourself you constructed a statelier place;
have gained greater skill and increase of God’s grace.
ولی هم ببخشایم ای نیکمرد
که سود تو ما را زیانی نکرد
تو آباد کردی شبستان خویش
مرا حکمت و معرفت گشت بیش
Oh fortunate man! I’ve a slave of my own,
On whom heavy labour I often have thrown;
Not again will I trouble his heart in that way,
When I think of the hardship of working ‘mong clay.”
غلامی است در خیلم ای نیکبخت
که فرمایمش وقتها کار سخت
دگر ره نیازارمش سخت، دل
چو یاد آیدم سختی کار گل
The man who has never been wronged by the great,
Does not burn in his heart at the poor’s wretched state.
هر آن کس که جور بزرگان نبرد
نسوزد دلش بر ضعیفان خرد
In this manner Bihram his vizier once addressed:
Let your subjects not be by hard labour oppressed!
If the words of a Ruler seem harsh unto you,
Do not you towards subjects oppression pursue!
گر از حاکمان سختت آید سخن
تو بر زیردستان درشتی مکن


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