Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی
I have heard that in one of the states of the West, Two brothers once lived who one father possessed, — Army leading and proud and of elephant size, Good-looking and learned, clever swordsmen likewise. | شنیدم که در مرزی از باختر برادر دو بودند از یک پدر سپهدار و گردن کش و پیلتن نکو روی و دانا و شمشیرزن |
The father found both of them terrible boys; Fond of galloping horses and war’s angry noise. Forthwith he divided the kingdom in twain — Gave a half to each son, over which he might reign | پدر هر دو را سهمگن مرد یافت طلبکار جولان و ناورد یافت برفت آن زمین را دو قسمت نهاد به هر یک پسر، زان نصیبی بداد |
Lest one ‘gainst the other should rise up to fight, And seize, to do battle, the sabre of spite. The father then summed up his years in his mind; To the Giver of Life his sweet life he resigned. | مبادا که بر یکدگر سر کشند به پیکار شمشیر کین برکشند پدر بعد ازان، روزگاری شمرد به جان آفرین جان شیرین سپرد |
The Fates, then, his tent-ropes of hope cut away, And death bound securely the hands of his sway. Two kings were appointed to rule in that State; For the treasure and number of soldiers were great. | اجل بگسلاندش طناب امل وفاتش فرو بست دست عمل مقرر شد آن مملکت بر دو شاه که بی حد و مر بود گنج و سپاه |
Each, according to what appeared best, in his view, Made arrangements his own special course to pursue. One justice, to win a good name for himself; The other, oppression, to treasure up pelf. | به حکم نظر در به افتاد خویش گرفتند هر یک، یکی راه پیش یکی عدل تا نام نیکو برد یکی ظلم تا مال گرد آورد |
One made a good nature the guide of his reign; Gave gold and took care of the indigent swain; Built hostels, gave bread, and to soldiers was kind, And for beggars, at night, a night refuge designed. | یکی عاطفت سیرت خویش کرد درم داد و تیمار درویش خورد بنا کرد و نان داد و لشکر نواخت شب از بهر درویش، شب خانه ساخت |
To perfect his army his treasure he spent Like holiday folks who on pleasure are bent. To the sky rose, like thunder, the shouts of applause; Like in Bu-Bakar-Sad’s time, the town of Shiraz. | خزاین تهی کرد و پر کرد جیش چنان کز خلایق به هنگام عیش برآمد همی بانگ شادی چو رعد چو شیراز در عهد بوبکر سعد |
A wise prince was he, with a nature serene; May the branch of his hope ever fruitful be seen! Hear the story about the magnanimous lad: His footsteps were happy, his nature was glad. | خدیو خردمند فرخ نهاد که شاخ امیدش برومند باد حکایت شنو کودک نامجوی پسندیده پی بود و فرخنده خوی |
He promoted the comfort of high and of low; Praised the Maker at dawn and at evening’s red glow. All over the country, Karun, fearless, went; For the monarch was just and the poor were content. | ملازم به دلداری خاص و عام ثناگوی حق بامدادان و شام در آن ملک قارون برفتی دلیر که شه دادگر بود و درویش سیر |
Not a harm at a heart, all the time he survived, From a thorn, not to mention a rose-leaf, arrived. By the aid of the Lord, hostile chiefs lost the day, And the leaders submitted themselves to his sway. | نیامد در ایام او بر دلی نگویم که خاری که برگ گلی سرآمد به تایید ملک از سران نهادند سر بر خطش سروران |
The other desired to enrich throne and crown, And by raising the taxes ground villagers down. For the riches of merchants he avarice showed; On the life of the helpless calamity strewed. | دگر خواست کافزون کند تخت و تاج بیفزود بر مرد دهقان خراج طمع کرد در مال بازارگان بلا ریخت بر جان بیچارگان |
I mean not to say he wished ill to the poor; But he treated himself like a foe, to be sure. He, hoping for increase, nor gave nor ate food. The sage is aware that his plans were not good; For before he could gather that gold by foul play, His army, from weakness, had dwindled away. | به امید بیشی نداد و نخورد خردمند داند که ناخوب کرد که تا جمع کرد آن زر از گر بزی پراگنده شد لشکر از عاجزی |
At the ears of the merchants the rumour arrives, That abuse in the land of this worthless one thrives. From that country all buying and selling they turned; The fields became barren, the husbandmen burned. | شنیدند بازارگانان خبر که ظلم است در بوم آن بیهنر بریدند ازان جا خرید و فروخت زراعت نیامد، رعیت بسوخت |
From his friendship when Fortune averted her face, His foes, of necessity, worked his disgrace. The warring of Heav’n his uprootal soon planned, And the hoof of the enemy’s horse ploughed his land. | چو اقبالش از دوستی سربتافت بناکام دشمن بر او دست یافت ستیز فلک بیخ و بارش بکند سم اسب دشمن دیارش بکند |
In whom seeks he faith, since the treaty he tore? From whom asks he tax, since the peasant’s no more? What good can that sinful one covet to share, When, after him, curses resound through the air? | وفا در که جوید چو پیمان گسیخت؟ خراج از که خواهد چو دهقان گریخت؟ چه نیکی طمع دارد آن بیصفا که باشد دعای بدش در قفا؟ |
Since his fortune was bad, from the day he was born, The advice of the worthy he treated with scorn. And what said the good to that “virtuous man “The fruit you can eat! for no wrong-doer can.” | چو بختش نگون بود در کاف کن نکرد آنچه نیکانش گفتند کن چه گفتند نیکان بدان نیکمرد؟ تو برخور که بیدادگر برنخورد |
His thoughts were depraved and his plans came to nought, For in justice dwelt that, which in harshness he sought. | گمانش خطا بود و تدبیر سست که در عدل بود آنچه در ظلم جست |
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