Learn Farsi in 100 Days: Day 40: At the Hotel – Part 2

Learn Farsi in 100 Days course

Welcome back to Day 40 of our “Learn Farsi in 100 Days” series! In Part 2 of today’s lesson, we continue exploring the theme of At the Hotel with new and engaging content.

In today’s video, we focus on the grammar topic of auxiliary verbs, specifically “باشد” (to be) used in the subjunctive present and past tenses. Understanding these forms is essential for expressing wishes, possibilities, and hypothetical situations in Farsi. The lesson provides a clear explanation of how to use “باشد” correctly in different contexts.

Next, we introduce two commonly used sentences related to booking a hotel room. These practical examples will help you apply the grammar you’ve learned and improve your conversational skills.

To add some fun to the lesson, we include a humorous joke from the famous Mulla Nasreddin stories. This light-hearted content makes learning more enjoyable and memorable.

Watch the video, learn the new sentences, and enjoy the joke. Join us tomorrow for another exciting lesson.

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