How a cow ran into the house of him that was praying importunately. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, has said, “God loves them that are importunate in prayer,” because the actual asking (of anything) from God most High and the importunity (itself) is better for the petitioner than the thing which he is asking of Him. دویدن گاو در خانهی آن دعا کننده بالحاح قال النبی صلی الله علیه وسلم ان الله یحب الملحین فی الدعا زیرا عین خواست از حق تعالی و الحاح خواهنده را به است از آنچ میخواهد آن را ازو
تا که روزی ناگهان در چاشتگاه این دعا میکرد با زاری و آه
Until suddenly one day, (when) he was uttering this prayer with moaning and sighs at morningtide,
ناگهان در خانهاش گاوی دوید شاخ زد بشکست دربند و کلید
Suddenly a cow ran into his house; she butted with her horns and broke the bolt and key.
گاو گستاخ اندر آن خانه بجست مرد در جست و قوایمهاش بست
The bold cow jumped into the house; the man sprang forward and bound her legs.
پس گلوی گاو ببرید آن زمان بی توقف بی تامل بی امان
Then he at once cut the throat of the cow without pause, without consideration, and without mercy.
چون سرش ببرید شد سوی قصاب تا اهابش بر کند در دم شتاب
After he had cut off her head, he went to the butcher, in order that he might quickly rip off her hide forthwith.
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi, Persian Poetry)
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