The refusal of the vizier to interrupt his seclusion جواب گفتن وزیر که خلوت را نمیشکنم
گفت حجتهای خود کوته کنید
پند را در جان و در دل ره کنید
He said: “Cut short your arguments, let my advice make its way into your souls and hearts.
گر امینم متهم نبود امین
گر بگویم آسمان را من زمین
If I am trustworthy, the trustworthy is not doubted, even though I should call heaven earth.
گر کمالم با کمال انکار چیست
ور نیم این زحمت و آزار چیست
If I am (endowed with) perfection, why (this) disbelief in my perfection? and if I am not (perfect), why this molestation and annoyance?
من نخواهم شد از این خلوت برون
ز آن که مشغولم به احوال درون
I will not go forth from this seclusion, because I am occupied with inward experiences.”
Reza is an experienced Persian instructor who has been tutoring students since 2008. He is the founder of Learn Persian Online, a tutoring company that has helped many students learn Persian, this beautiful language. He works with students individually and in group settings, he tutors both live and online Persian courses.
Reza provides an individualized custom learning plan and the personalized attention that makes a difference in how people view Persian learning process.
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