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Best Places to Visit in Tehran

Best Places to Visit in Tehran

One of the biggest cities in the world, Tehran is a beautiful and colorful city that is over-occupied by its citizens which is why it is called Tehran’s “warm slope”. It is full of famed sights and never enough time to see all of them. Actually, the holiday possibilities in this city are endless. Some […]

Learn To Speak Persian quickly and easily

Learn To Speak Persian quickly and easily

Haruki Murakami has said, “Learning another language is like becoming another person”. Yes, surely it is not a piece of cake; but trust us; it is not rocket science either. There are a few tricks to learn a foreign language (even Persian) easily and without any serious effort.However, to fluently communicate in Persian, you need […]

7 Tips for Learning Persian Without Effort

7 Tips for Learning Persian Without Effort

7 tips on speaking Persian fluently and confidently

7 tips on speaking Persian fluently and confidently

Fitting Persian into a busy schedule

Fitting Persian into a busy schedule

10 Easy Ways to Learn Persian Quickly (Without Getting Bored!)

10 Easy Ways to Learn Persian Quickly (Without Getting Bored!)

How to develop fluency in Persian without memorization

How to develop fluency in Persian without memorization