Welcome to Day 81, part 3 of “Learn Farsi in 100 Days“. In this session, we explore two engaging topics: Persian proverbs about acting without thinking and being late, as well as a dialogue about a broken phone.
In today’s video, our instructor introduces you to several Persian proverbs. These proverbs cover themes like “acting without thinking” and “being late.” Understanding these will enrich your knowledge of Persian culture and language, giving you insights into common wisdom and expressions used in daily conversations.
Next, the lesson features a practical conversation about a broken phone. This dialogue helps you learn how to discuss technical issues and seek help in Farsi. The instructor breaks down the conversation, explaining key phrases and vocabulary, ensuring you understand and can use them effectively.
Watch the Video “Learn Farsi in 100 Days“ – Day 81, Part 3
Don’t miss out on today’s video lesson on our YouTube channel. Click here to watch and learn these useful proverbs and phrases.
Regular practice of these phrases and proverbs will greatly improve your Farsi skills. We hope you find this lesson both useful and enjoyable. Make sure to watch part 3 of Day 81’s video for a comprehensive learning experience.