Learn Farsi in 100 Days: Day 13: Foods – Part 1

Learn Farsi in 100 Days course

Welcome to Day 13, Part 1 of “Learn Farsi in 100 Days” with our expert author! Today, we dive into the delicious world of Farsi vocabulary related to foods and learn about the Negative Present Subjunctive tense.

Negative Present Subjunctive (مَنفیِ حالِ اِخباری)

In this lesson, the author explains how to use the Negative Present Subjunctive tense in Farsi, essential for expressing negative actions or desires in the present.


Subject + نَـ (na) + present stem + specific endings

Sample Dialogue

The video includes a practical dialogue featuring vocabulary related to foods and the Negative Present Subjunctive tense. This conversation will help you reinforce your understanding and usage of these concepts in real-life scenarios.

Watch the Video “Learn Farsi in 100 Days” Day 13- Part 1

For a detailed explanation and practical examples, watch the video for Day 13, Part 1 on our YouTube channel. The author will guide you through the grammar rules and the sample dialogue, making it easier to grasp and use the Negative Present Subjunctive tense in everyday conversations.

Continue Your Learning Journey

Don’t miss out! Subscribe to our channel and continue your “Learn Farsi in 100 Days” journey. Stay tuned for Day 13, Part 2, where we will delve deeper into more advanced topics to further enhance your Farsi skills.
