Learn Farsi in 100 Days: Day 3: Let’s Read in Farsi: Part 3

Learn Farsi in 100 Days course

Welcome to Day 3 of our “Learning Farsi in 100 Days” training course. In this part, we will complete our study of the Farsi alphabet by introducing the final letters. Understanding these letters is crucial for enhancing your reading and writing skills in Farsi. Today, we will focus on the letters: “ژ” and “غ“.

Watch and Learn: “Learn Farsi in 100 Days” Day 3- Part 3

غـ – غ ” called “gheyn” is the twenty-second letter of the Persian alphabet. It has short and full forms. “غ” sounds /ghe/ like “r” in French word “Paris”, but “غ” is stronger. The letter “غ“ (Ghain) is pronounced from the back of the throat, similar to a gargling sound. It is a deeper and more guttural sound compared to other letters.


Initial Letter:                                   غریب                   /gharib/                    strange
Medial Letter:                                 مشغول                /mashghul/               busy
Final Joined Letter:                         جیغ                     /jigh/                         scream
Final Disjoined Letter:                    باغ                       /bâgh/                       garden

The Letter “ژ“ (Zhe) in Learn Farsi Day 3, Part 1

ژ” /zhe/ is the fourteenth letter of the Persian alphabet and has one form. “ژ” only joins to the preceding letters in Persian words. It sounds /zhe/ like “su” in “measure”. The letter “ژ” (Zhe) represents a sound similar to the “s” in “measure” or the “g” in “genre.” This letter is unique to the Farsi alphabet and does not appear in Arabic.


Initial Letter:                                  ژاکَت                /zhâkat/                   jacket
Medial Letter:                                 مژده               /mozhdehl/              good news
Final Disjoined Letter:                    دِژ                   /dezh/                       castle

Watch the Video: Days 3 – Part 3

For a detailed explanation and correct pronunciation of these letters, be sure to watch our Day 3, Part 3 YouTube video. The video includes visual aids, pronunciation guides, and additional tips to help you master these letters effectively.

Practice Techniques

To reinforce your learning of these letters, incorporate the following techniques into your study routine:

Writing Practice: Write sentences and short paragraphs using the new letters to become familiar with their usage.
Pronunciation Practice: Focus on the unique sounds of “ژ“ and “غ“, repeating them until you feel comfortable.
Listening Exercises: Listen to native Farsi speakers using these letters in context through podcasts, songs, or videos.

Apply Your Knowledge

Apply what you’ve learned by integrating these letters into everyday use:

Labeling: Label common items around your home with their Farsi names, including words that use “ژ“ and “غ“.
Journaling: Write daily journal entries in Farsi, making an effort to use words that include the new letters.
Speaking Practice: Practice speaking with a language partner or tutor, focusing on correct pronunciation and usage.

Keep up the great work. You are making excellent progress on your journey to learn Farsi. Join us in the next part of our course for more exciting lessons. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.
