Learn Farsi in 100 Days: Day 40: At the Hotel – Part 3

Learn Farsi in 100 Days course

Welcome to Day 40, Part 3 of our “Learn Farsi in 100 Days” series! In this segment, we continue enhancing your Farsi skills with a focus on practical vocabulary and conversations used at a hotel.

In today’s video, we start by teaching you the names of various hotel staff and common words you’ll need when staying at a hotel. This vocabulary is essential for effective communication during your stay.

Next, we present a sample conversation between a guest and the hotel receptionist. This practical dialogue helps you practice speaking and understanding common phrases used during hotel check-in and inquiries.

To enrich your cultural knowledge, we also introduce a famous Persian proverb. Learning proverbs not only improves your language skills but also provides insight into Persian culture and wisdom.

Watch the video, learn the names of hotel staff and useful words, practice the dialogue, and enjoy the proverb. Join us tomorrow for another exciting lesson!

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