Curious about how to teach Persian to beginners? Please think back to your childhood. Do you remember when an adult asked you something and you just stared open-mouthed (actually, not because you were trying to be rude or anything else) because it was all gobbledygook to you? That’s exactly how beginner learners feel in a language classroom. If the teacher starts rambling in a language that they don’t understand, they’ll just get nervous and shut down.
In your first Persian lesson for beginners, adults, or otherwise, you don’t want to scare your students. You should put yourself in their shoes — how would you feel if a stranger starts saying weird stuff to you in a foreign and expects you to reply in the same alien language? It’s nerve-wracking and mortifying at least.
Here’s everything you need to know when it comes to teaching the Persian language to complete beginners.
Why beginners are a little more challenging
Absolute beginners are a tough nut to crack because they have no previous knowledge of Persian. They’ll be coming to you raw, sometimes without knowing the alphabet, numbers, and common phrases like “سلام” and “خداحافظ”. They don’t know what adjectives and nouns are or how to form a sentence or question.
On the other hand, false beginners think they know Persian because of past exposure. For example, they’ve spent countless hours studying the language but can’t hold a Persian conversation with a native speaker. In fact, It’s up to you to diagnose your students’ language proficiency levels and prepare to teach Persian to beginners material that works on the basics before you get into anything more advanced.
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5 Tips to get you through
Still scampering around trying to plan to teach Persian to beginners material? Here are 5 steps to teach Persian to beginners like a pro!
1. Writing

Most language students lose interest in language classes due to a lack of a favorable environment. It’s obvious that it is hard to learn when there is no motivating factor that pushes you to learn. Generally, one way to change this is to ensure learning through participation. Make your students participate by encouraging them to write something about themselves or about the people they live with. Encourage peer evaluation; in fact, it helps your students improve themselves by learning from their mistakes as well as from the mistakes of their peers.
2. Keep it simple, stupid

This is one of the most important steps to teach Persian to beginners. Many newbie teachers make the mistake of using too much Persian when giving their students instructions, praise, or other feedback. For example, saying, “.خب بچه ها، امروز قرار هست که بخش چهارم کتاب فارسی امسال رو تدریس کنیم” actually, it makes you sound like you’re from Mars.
Instead, say something like this: “کتاب ها را بیرون بیاورید” It’s so much easier to understand for beginner learners. Gestures are so important and help beginners understand better even when Persian doesn’t seem clear to them. This tip will save your life if you’re teaching Persian to complete beginners.
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3. Know the needs of your students

Test your students’ language skills by having question-answer sessions in your class or by conducting tests. In fact, not only will this help you assess their performance, but it will also help you find out problem areas where your students are struggling. After figuring out their problem areas, you can give them different exercises and worksheets accordingly.
4. Always check for understanding

A rookie mistake many persons teaching Persian to complete beginners make is assuming that the learners have understood the lesson or classroom instructions. In your first lesson for beginner learners, adults, or kids, your students may not be accustomed to raising their hands if they don’t understand.
Instead, maybe they feel embarrassed to admit ignorance in front of the class and prefer to remain silent. When teaching beginners Persian, you need to read your students’ body language to gauge whether they’ve understood and keep checking whether they’ve understood the lesson by asking, “Okay?”. Learners will let you know directly or subtly whether they’ve got it or not.
5. Reading & Literature

Reading is equally important as learning the rules of Persian. Use interactive ways to create interest in Persian reading like utilizing various reading materials that relate to real life. Encourage your students to read books aloud turn by turn at the beginning of your class. Encourage your students to find new Persian words from the prescribed text material. This makes a fun activity where students find new Persian words, learn their meanings, and also improve their reading skills.
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