Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی
I have heard that a man some home sorrow endured, For bees in his roof had their dwelling secured. He asked for a big butch er’s-knife from his dame To demolish the nest of the bees was his aim. | شنیدم که مردی غم خانه خورد که زنبور بر سقف او لانه کرد |
His wife said, “Oh, do not effect your design! For the poor bees, dispersed from their dwelling, will pine.” | زنش گفت از اینان چه خواهی؟ مکن که مسکین پریشان شوند از وطن |
The foolish man yielded and went his own way; His wife with their stings was assaulted one day. The man from his shop to his dwelling returned; At his wife’s stupid folly, with anger he burned. | بشد مرد نادان پس کار خویش گرفتند یک روز زن را به نیش |
The ignorant woman, from door, street and roof, Was shouting complaints, while the man gave reproof! | زن بی خرد بر در و بام و کوی همی کرد فریاد و میگفت شوی: |
“Do not make your face sour in men’s presence, oh wife! Deprive not you said, ‘ the poor bees of their life! ” On behalf of the bad, why beneficence show? Forbear with the bad and you make their sins grow. | مکن روی بر مردم ای زن ترش تو گفتی که زنبور مسکین مکش کسی با بدان نیکویی چون کند؟ بدان را تحمل، بد افزون کند |
When oppression of men, in a ruler, you note, With a sharp-cutting sword you should tickle his throat. That a dog should have ” food-trays,” what worth has he shown? Give orders, so that they may toss him a bone! | چو اندر سری بینی آزار خلق به شمشیر تیزش بیازار حلق سگ آخر که باشد که خوانش نهند؟ بفرمای تا استخوانش دهند |
The village priest, nicely, this proverb expressed: “For the pack-horse that kicks, heavy burdens are best” When the night-watch, patrolling, civility shows, At night, from the thieves, not a soul gets repose. | چه نیکو زدهست این مثل پیر ده ستور لگدزن گرانبار به اگر نیکمردی نماید عسس نیارد به شب خفتن از دزد، کس |
In the centre of battle the cane of one spear Is, than thousands of sugar-canes, reckoned more dear. That all are not worthy of riches, is clear; One needs riches, another a box on the ear. | نی نیزه در حلقه کارزار بقیمت تر از نیشکر صد هزار نه هر کس سزاوار باشد به مال یکی مال خواهد، یکی گوشمال |
When you rear up a cat, off your pigeons it bears; If a wolf you should fatten, your Joseph it tears. The building whose base is not stable and true, Raise not lofty! or show for it dread, if you do | چو گربهنوازی کبوتر برد چو فربه کنی گرگ، یوسف درد بنائی که محکم ندارد اساس بلندش مکن ور کنی زو هراس |
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