Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی
Of a wicked oppressor, a tale they relate, That he exercised sov’reignty over a State. In his reign people’s days were as dark as the night; And at night, people slept not, from terror and fright. | حکایت کنند از جفا گستری که فرماندهی داشت بر کشوری در ایام او روز مردم چو شام شب از بیم او خواب مردم حرام |
At his hand, pious men were all day in despair ; The holy, at night, held their hands up in pray’r. In front of the sheikh of that period, a band Said, weeping, because of the tyrant’s harsh hand, | همه روز نیکان از او در بلا به شب دست پاکان از او بر دعا گروهی بر شیخ آن روزگار ز دست ستمگر گرستند زار |
” Oh guide I in whom learning and wisdom appear, Advise this young man that the Lord he should fear !” He replied, “I am loath to declare the Friend’s name ; For all are not worthy His message to claim.” | که ای پیر دانای فرخنده رای بگوی این جوان را بترس از خدای بگفتا دریغ آیدم نام دوست که هر کس نه در خورد پیغام اوست |
When you find that a man thinks the truth is not right, Oh sir! do not talk about truth to that wight ! The Truth, oh wise king! I explained to you well ; To a God-fearing person, the Truth you can tell. | کسی را که بینی ز حق بر کران منه با وی، ای خواجه، حق در میا |
At teaching fools knowledge, I care not to toil ; For the seed I but waste in a profitless soil. They think me a foe when it fails to take root, And grieve in their hearts and molest me, to boot. | دریغ است با سفله گفت از علوم که ضایع شود تخم در شوره بوم چو در وی نگیرد عدو داندت برنجد به جان و برنجاندت |
Oh monarch! your aim is to do what is right ; Hence the heart of the truth-speaking person has might. Oh favoured a seal has a feature well known It makes an impression on wax, not on stone. | تو را عادت، ای پادشه، حق روی است دل مرد حق گوی از این جا قوی است نگین خصلتی دارد ای نیکبخت که در موم گیرد نه در سنگ سخت |
No wonder the tyrant through me suffers grief, Since I am the watchman and he is the thief ! You, too, are a watchman in justice and right; May the watching of God be your guard day and night ! | عجب نیست گر ظالم از من به جان برنجد که دزدست و من پاسبان تو هم پاسبانی به انصاف و داد که حفظ خدا پاسبان تو باد |
Not yours is the favour, comparison says ; To the Maker be thanksgiving, merit, and praise ! That in doing good works, He has kept you employed ; And not left you, like others, with effort destroyed, | تو را نیست منت ز روی قیاس خداوند را من و فضل و سپاس که در کار خیرت به خدمت بداشت نه چون دیگرانت معطل گذاشت |
Evry one in the plain of exertion may play, But, the ball-of-bestowing, each bears not away. By striving, you did not obtain Paradise ; God caused a good nature within you to rise. | همه کس به میدان کوشش درند ولی گوی بخشش نه هر کس برند تو حاصل نکردی به کوشش بهشت خدا در تو خوی بهشتی سرشت |
May your heart be enlightened and tranquil your time ! May your footing be sure and your rank be sublime ! May your lifetime be happy ! your going be fair ! Received be your worship ! and answered your prayer ! | دلت روشن و وقت مجموع باد قدم ثابت و پایه مرفوع باد حیاتت خوش و رفتنت بر صواب عبادت قبول و دعا مستجاب |
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