How the madman sought to ingratiate himself with Jálínús (Galen), and how Jálínús was afraid. تملق کردن دیوانه جالینوس را و ترسیدن جالینوس
گفت جالینوس با اصحاب خود
مر مرا تا آن فلان دارو دهد
Jálínús said to his companions, “Let (one of you) give me such-and-such a medicine.”
پس بدو گفت آن یکی ای ذو فنون
این دوا خواهند از بهر جنون
Then said that person to him, “O master of (many) sciences, this medicine is sought (as a cure) for madness.
دور از عقل تو این دیگر مگو
گفت در من کرد یک دیوانه رو
Far be this from thy intellect! Say no more (about it).” He replied, “A madman turned his face to me,
ساعتی در روی من خوش بنگرید
چشمکم زد آستین من درید
Looked pleasantly on my face for a while, made little eyes at me, and plucked my sleeve.
گر نه جنسیت بدی در من از او
کی رخ آوردی به من آن زشت رو
Had there not been in me congeniality with him, how would that ill-favoured man have turned his face towards me?
گر ندیدی جنس خود کی آمدی
کی به غیر جنس خود را بر زدی
Had he not seen (in me) one of his own kind, how should he have approached? How should he have thrown himself upon (attached himself to) one of another kind?”
چون دو کس بر هم زند بیهیچ شک
در میانشان هست قدر مشترک
When two persons come into touch with each other, without any doubt there is something in common between them.
کی پرد مرغی مگر با جنس خود
صحبت ناجنس گور است و لحد
How should a bird fly except with its own kind? The society of the uncongenial is the grave and the tomb.
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi)
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