Returning to the Story

Returning to the Story of the person who was given a clue to the treasure (buried) at Cairo, and setting forth his supplication to God on account of his poverty. رجوع کردن به قصه‌ی آن شخص کی به او گنج نشان دادند به مصر و بیان تضرع او از درویشی به حضرت حق

مرد میراثی چو خورد و شد فقیر آمد اندر یا رب و گریه و نفیر
When the man who received the inheritance had squandered it and become a pauper, he began to cry “O Lord!” and weep and lament.
خود کی کوبد این در رحمت‌نثار که نیابد در اجابت صد بهار
Verily, who shall knock at this Door, from which mercy is showered, without gaining in response a hundred springs (seasons of spiritual refreshment)?
خواب دید او هاتفی گفت او شنید که غنای تو به مصر آید پدید
He dreamed that he heard a Voice from heaven saying, “Thy fortune will be found in Cairo;
رو به مصر آنجا شود کار تو راست کرد کدیت را قبول او مرتجاست
Go to Cairo: there thy affair will be set right. He (God) hath accepted thy humble petition: He is the (only) Object of hope.
در فلان موضع یکی گنجی است زفت در پی آن بایدت تا مصر رفت
In such-and-such a spot is a great treasure: thou must go to Cairo in quest of it.
بی‌درنگی هین ز بغداد ای نژند رو به سوی مصر و منبت‌گاه قند
Hark, O wretched man, go without any delay from Baghdád to Cairo and the home of sugar-candy.”
چون ز بغداد آمد او تا سوی مصر گرم شد پشتش چو دید او روی مصر
When he departed from Baghdád (and came) to Cairo, at the sight of Cairo his courage was restored,
بر امید وعده‌ی هاتف که گنج یابد اندر مصر بهر دفع رنج
(For he was) in hope of (the fulfilment of) the promise given by the heavenly Voice that he would find in Cairo the treasure to remove his trouble.
در فلان کوی و فلان موضع دفین هست گنجی سخت نادر بس گزین
“In such and such a quarter and such and such a spot there is a buried treasure exceedingly rare and very choice.”
لیک نفقه‌ش بیش و کم چیزی نماند خواست دقی بر عوام‌الناس راند
But of money for expenses, great or small, he had nothing left; and he was about to go and beg from the common folk,
لیک شرم و همتش دامن گرفت خویش را در صبر افشردن گرفت
But (feelings of) shame and honour held him back, (so that) he began to plant himself firmly on fortitude.
باز نفسش از مجاعت بر طپید ز انتجاع و خواستن چاره ندید
(Meanwhile), however, his soul fluttered (in distress) on account of hunger: he saw no means of escape from foraging and begging.
گفت شب بیرون روم من نرم نرم تا ز ظلمت نایدم در کدیه شرم
“At nightfall,” he said (to himself), “I will slip out very quietly, in order that I may beg in the dark without feeling ashamed.
ر آخر گوییش سوزان و چست گرم‌تر صد بار از بار نخست
And the last time you utter them with fire and energy, a hundred times more ardently than the first time.
درد داروی کهن را نو کند درد هر شاخ ملولی خو کند
Passion makes the old medicine new; passion lops every bough of weariness.
کیمیای نو کننده دردهاست کو ملولی آن طرف که درد خاست
Passion is the elixir that makes (things) new: how (can there be) weariness where passion has arisen?
هین مزن تو از ملولی آه سرد درد جو و درد جو و درد درد
Oh, do not sigh heavily from weariness: seek passion, seek passion, passion, passion!
خادع دردند درمان‌های ژاژ ره‌زنند و زرستانان رسم باژ
Vain remedies (only) beguile (true) passion: they are (like) brigands and those who extort money in the form of tolls.
آب شوری نیست در مان عطش وقت خوردن گر نماید سرد و خوش
A briny water is no remedy for thirst: (even) if it seem cold and delicious at the moment of drinking,
لیک خادع گشته و مانع شد ز جست ز آب شیرینی کزو صد سبزه رست
Yet it beguiles (you) and prevents (you) from seeking the sweet water by which a hundred plants are made to grow.
هم‌چنین هر زر قلبی مانعست از شناس زر خوش هرجا که هست
Likewise every piece of spurious gold prevents (you) from recognising the good (genuine) gold wherever it is (to be found).
پا و پرت را به تزویری برید که مراد تو منم گیر ای مرید
It (the spurious gold) cuts off your feet and (clips) your wings by imposture, saying, “I am what you seek: take me, O seeker.”
گفت دردت چینم او خود درد بود مات بود ار چه به ظاهر برد بود
It says, “I will remove thy passion,” (but) in truth it is (worthless as) dregs: it is (really) checkmate (defeat) though it is victory in appearance.
رو ز درمان دروغین می‌گریز تا شود دردت مصیب و مشک‌بیز
Go, always be fleeing from the false remedy, in order that thy passion may be successful and rich in perfume.
گفت نه دزدی تو و نه فاسقی مرد نیکی لیک گول و احمقی
He (the night-patrol) said, “You are not a thief and you are not a reprobate: you are a good man, but you are foolish and silly.
بر خیال و خواب چندین ره کنی نیست عقلت را تسوی روشنی
You make such a long journey, (relying) on a phantasy and (mere) dream: your intelligence has not the least spark of brightness.
بارها من خواب دیدم مستمر که به بغدادست گنجی مستتر
I have dreamed many times, continuously, that there is a concealed treasure at Baghdád,
در فلان سوی و فلان کویی دفین بود آن خود نام کوی این حزین
Buried in such-and-such a quarter and such-and-such a street” the name, in fact, was that of the street where this sorrowful man lived.
هست در خانه‌ی فلانی رو بجو نام خانه و نام او گفت آن عدو
“It is in so-and-so’s house: go and seek it!” the enemy (the night-patrol) named the house and mentioned his (the treasure-seeker’s) name.
دیده‌ام خود بارها این خواب من که به بغدادست گنجی در وطن
“I myself have often dreamed that there is a treasure in the dwelling-place at Baghdád.
هیچ من از جا نرفتم زین خیال تو به یک خوابی بیایی بی‌ملال
I never left my home on account of this phantasy, (but) you in consequence of a single dream come (hither) without thinking of the fatigue.
خواب احمق لایق عقل ویست هم‌چو او بی‌قیمتست و لاشیست
The dreams of a fool are suitable to his intelligence: like it, they are worthless and good-for-nothing.
خواب زن کمتر ز خواب مرد دان از پی نقصان عقل و ضعف جان
Know that a woman’s dreams are inferior to those of a man because of her deficiency of intelligence and weakness of soul.
خواب ناقص‌عقل و گول آید کساد پس ز بی‌عقلی چه باشد خواب باد
The dreams of one deficient in intelligence and foolish are of little value: what, then, must be the dreams produced by (entire) lack of intelligence? (Mere) wind!”
گفت با خود گنج در خانه‌ی منست پس مرا آن‌جا چه فقر و شیونست
He (the treasure-seeker) said to himself, “The treasure is in my house: then why am I poverty-stricken and lamenting there?
بر سر گنج از گدایی مرده‌ام زانک اندر غفلت و در پرده‌ام
(While living) over the treasure, I have (almost) died of beggary because I am heedless and blind.”
زین بشارت مست شد دردش نماند صد هزار الحمد بی لب او بخواند
At this good news he was intoxicated (with joy): his sorrow vanished, and without (opening his) lips he chanted a hundred thousand praises to God.
گفت بد موقوف این لت لوت من آب حیوان بود در حانوت من
He said, “My food (fortune) depended on (my suffering) these blows: the Water of life was in my shop (all the time).
رو که بر لوت شگرفی بر زدم کوری آن وهم که مفلس بدم
Begone, for I have met with a great piece of fortune, to confound the idea that I was destitute.
خواه احمق‌دان مرا خواهی فرو آن من شد هرچه می‌خواهی بگو
Deem me foolish or contemptible as you please: it (the treasure) is mine, say what you like.
من مراد خویش دیدم بی‌گمان هرچه خواهی گو مرا ای بددهان
Beyond doubt I have seen my wish (fulfilled): call me anything you please, O foul-mouthed one!
تو مرا پر درد گو ای محتشم پیش تو پر درد و پیش خود خوشم
Call me sorrowful, O respected sir: in your view I am sorrowful, but in my view I am happy.
وای اگر بر عکس بودی این مطار پیش تو گلزار و پیش خویش راز
Alas, if the case had been reversed (and if I had been like) a rose-garden in your view and miserable in my own!”




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