Story of the disciple of Shaykh

Story of the disciple of Shaykh (Abú) Hasan Kharraqání, may God sanctify his spirit! حکایت مرید شیخ حسن خرقانی قدس الله سره

رفت درویشی ز شهر طالقان بهر صیت بوالحسین خارقان
A dervish went from the town of Tálaqán because of the fame of Abu ’l- Husayn of Kháraqán.
کوهها ببرید و وادی دراز بهر دید شیخ با صدق و نیاز
He traversed the mountains and the long valley with sincerity and fervent supplication (in order) to visit the Shaykh.
آنچ در ره دید از رنج و ستم گرچه در خوردست کوته می‌کنم
Although the afflictions and injuries which he suffered on the road are deserving (of mention), I will abridge (the story).
چون به مقصد آمد از ره آن جوان خانه‌ی آن شاه را جست او نشان
When the young man reached the end of his journey, he asked to be directed to the house of that (spiritual) king.
چون به صد حرمت بزد حلقه‌ی درش زن برون کرد از در خانه سرش
As soon as he knocked at his door with a hundred reverences, the (Shaykh’s) wife put forth her head from the door of the house,
که چه می‌خواهی بگو ای ذوالکرم ژگفت بر قصد زیارت آمدم
Saying, “What do you want? Tell (me), kind sir.” He replied, “I have come with the intention of paying a visit (to the Shaykh).”
خنده‌ای زد زن که خه‌خه ریش بین این سفرگیری و این تشویش بین
The wife gave a (loud) laugh. “Ha, ha,” she exclaimed, “look at your beard, look at this undertaking of a journey and (all) this trouble!
خود ترا کاری نبود آن جایگاه که به بیهوده کنی این عزم راه
Was there nothing for you to do in the place (where you come from), that you should idly set out upon this expedition?
اشتهای گول‌گردی آمدت یا ملولی وطن غالب شدت
Did you feel a craving to indulge in foolish sight-seeing, or were you overcome by disgust with your home?
یا مگر دیوت دو شاخه بر نهاد بر تو وسواس سفر را در گشاد
Or, perchance, the Devil laid on you a two-forked barnacle and let loose upon you the temptation to travel.”
گفت نافرجام و فحش و دمدمه من نتوانم باز گفتن آن همه
She uttered unseemly and foul and silly words: I cannot relate all of them.
از مثل وز ریش‌خند بی‌حساب آن مرید افتاد از غم در نشیب 2055
The disciple was thrown into a painful state of dejection by her parables and countless mockeries.




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