Story of the maidservant who cum asino herae suae libidinem exercebat et eum tanquam caprum et ursam docuerat libidinem more humano exercere et veretro asini cucurbitam affigebat ne modum excederet. Her mistress discovered it but did not perceive the device of the gourd; making a pretext, she sent the maid away to a distant place and cum asino concubuit sine cucurbita and perished shamefully. The maid came back late and lamented, crying, “O my soul and O light of my eyes, veretrum vidisti, curcurbitam non vidisti; penem vidisti, illud alterum non vidisti.” (According to the Tradition) every deficient one is accursed, i.e. every deficient insight and understanding is accursed; for those deficient in respect of the outward eye are objects of (Divine) mercy and are not accursed. Recite (the Verse), It is no crime in the blind. (In their case) He (God) has removed the crime, He has removed the curse, and He has removed the reproach and the wrath. [Story of the maidservant who indulged (her) lust with (her) mistress’ ass; she had trained it like a goat or a bear to indulge in lust like a man. And she used to put a gourd on the ass’s penis so that it would not exceed the measure (of her vagina). Her mistress discovered it but did not perceive the device of the gourd; making a pretext, she sent the maid away to a distant place and she copulated with the ass without the gourd and perished shamefully. The maid came back late and lamented, crying, “O my soul and O light of my eyes, you saw the cock (but) you did not see the gourd; you saw the penis (but) you did not see that other thing.” (According to the Tradition)…] داستان آن کنیزک کی با خر خاتون شهوت میراند و او را چون بز و خرس آموخته بود شهوت راندن آدمیانه و کدویی در قضیب خر میکرد تا از اندازه نگذرد خاتون بر آن وقوف یافت لکن دقیقهی کدو را ندید کنیزک را ببهانه براه کرد جای دور و با خر جمع شد بیکدو و هلاک شد بفضیحت کنیزک بیگاه باز آمد و نوحه کرد که ای جانم و ای چشم روشنم کیر دیدی کدو ندیدی ذکر دیدی آن دگر ندیدی کل ناقص ملعون یعنی کل نظر و فهم ناقص ملعون و اگر نه ناقصان ظاهر جسم مرحوماند ملعون نهاند بر خوان لیس علی الاعمی حرج نفی حرج کرد و نفی لعنت و نفی عتاب و غضب
یک کنیزک یک خری بر خود فکند
از وفور شهوت و فرط گزند
Ancilla quaedam ob multam libidinem immodicamque nequitiam asinum super se injecit. [A maidservant (habitually) cast an ass upon herself due to abundant lust and excess (risk) of calamity. ]
آن خر نر را بگان خو کرده بود
خر جماع آدمی پی برده بود
Asinum ad coitum assuefecerat; asinus ad concubitum hominis viam invenerat. [The male ass was habituated to copulation; the ass had discovered human sexual intercourse.]
یک کدویی بود حیلتسازه را
در نرش کردی پی اندازه را
Technarum fabricatrici cucurbita erat, quam veretro ejus affigebat ut servaret modum. [(That) fabricator of devices had a gourd (which) she would put on its male organ, according to (a certain) dimension.]
در ذکر کردی کدو را آن عجوز
تا رود نیم ذکر وقت سپوز
Cucurbitam peni indiderat illa anus ut trudenti tempore dimidium penis iniret; [That old woman would put the gourd on the penis so that half of the penis would go (into her) at the time of insertion.]
گر همه کیر خر اندر وی رود
آن رحم و آن رودهها ویران شود
Si totum asini veretrum eam iniret, uterus ejus et viscera diruerentur. [If all of the ass’s cock were to go inside her, (her) womb and intestines would be destroyed.]
خر همی شد لاغر و خاتون او
مانده عاجز کز چه شد این خر چو مو
The ass was becoming lean, and his mistress remained helpless, saying, “Why has this ass become as (thin as) a hair?” She showed the ass to the shoeing-smiths and asked, “What is his ailment of
نعلبندان را نمود آن خر که چیست
علت او که نتیجهش لاغریست
which the result is leanness?”
هیچ علت اندرو ظاهر نشد
هیچ کس از سر او مخبر نشد
No ailment was discerned in him, no one gave information concerning the secret (cause) thereof.
در تفحص اندر افتاد او به جد
شد تفحص را دمادم مستعد
(Then) she began to investigate in earnest: she became prepared to investigate at every moment.
جد را باید که جان بنده بود
زانک جد جوینده یابنده بود
The soul must needs be devoted to earnest endeavour, for the earnest seeker will be a finder.
چون تفحص کرد از حال اشک
دید خفته زیر خر آن نرگسک
Postquam rem asini perscrutata est, ancillulam narcisso similem vidit sub asino cubantem. [When she investigated the ass’s condition, she saw the little narcissus (the maidservant) lying under the ass.]
از شکاف در بدید آن حال را
بس عجب آمد از آن آن زال را
Through a crack in the door she saw what was going on: the old woman marvelled greatly thereat.
خر همیگاید کنیزک را چنان
که به عقل و رسم مردان با زنان
(Vidit) asinum futuentem ancillam sicut viri ratione et more (concumbunt) cum feminis. [(She saw) the ass copulating with the maidservant in the manner that men reasonably and customarily (do) with women.]
در حسد شد گفت چون این ممکنست
پس نم اولیتر که خر ملک منست
She became envious and said, “Since this is possible, then I have the best right, for the ass is my property.
خر مهذب گشته و آموخته
خوان نهادست و چراغ افروخته
The ass has been perfectly trained and instructed: the table is laid and the lamp is lighted.”
کرد نادیده و در خانه بکوفت
کای کنیزک چند خواهی خانه روفت
Feigning to have seen nothing, she knocked at the door of the room (stable), saying, “How long will you be sweeping the room, O maid?”
از پی روپوش میگفت این سخن
کای کنیزک آمدم در باز کن
She spoke these words as a blind (and added), “I have come, O maid: open the door.”
کرد خاموش و کنیزک را نگفت
راز را از بهر طمع خود نهفت
(Then) she became silent and said no more to the maid: she concealed the secret for the sake of her own desire.
پس کنیزک جمله آلات فساد
کرد پنهان پیش شد در را گشاد
Thereupon the maid hid all the apparatus of iniquity and came forward and opened the door.
رو ترش کرد و دو دیده پر ز نم
لب فرو مالید یعنی صایمم
She made her face sour and her eyes full of moisture (tears) and rubbed her lips (against each other), meaning to say, “I am fasting.”
در کف او نرمه جاروبی که من
خانه را میروفتم بهر عطن
In her hand was a soft broom, as though to say, “I was sweeping the room in order to clean it.”
چونک باع جاروب در را وا گشاد
گفت خاتون زیر لب کای اوستاد
When, with the broom (in her hand), she opened the door, the mistress said under her breath, “O crafty one,
رو ترش کردی و جاروبی به کف
چیست آن خر برگسسته از علف
You have made your face sour and (taken) a broom in your hand; what is (the meaning of) the ass having turned away from his fodder?
نیم کاره و خشمگین جنبان ذکر
ز انتظار تو دو چشمش سوی در
Re semiconfecta, iratus, agitans veretrum: quia te exspectat ideo (sunt) duo oculi ejus ad januam (conversi).” [Half-finished and angry, (its) penis (was still) moving: its (the ass’s) two eyes (were turned) toward the door in expectation of you.”]
زیر لب گفت این نهان کرد از کنیز
داشتش آن دم چو بیجرمان عزیز
This she said under her breath and concealed (her thought) from the maid: at that moment she treated her, like innocent persons, honourably.
بعد از آن گفتش که چادر نه به سر
رو فلان خانه ز من پیغام بر
Afterwards she said to her, “Put the chádar on your head, go and take a message from me to such and such a house.
این چنین گو وین چنین کن وآنچنان
مختصر کردم من افسانهی زنان
Say so-and-so and do so-and-so.” I abridge the talk of the women.
آنچ مقصودست مغز آن بگیر
چون براهش کرد آن زال ستیر
Take the gist of what is to the purpose. When the discreet old woman had sent her (the maid) away,
بود از مستی شهوت شادمان
در فرو بست و همیگفت آن زمان
Propter ebrietatem libidinis gaudebat: she shut the door, saying meanwhile, [She was happy from the intoxication of (her) lust: she shut the door, saying meanwhile,]
یافتم خلوت زنم از شکر بانگ
رستهام از چار دانگ و از دو دانگ
“I have secured privacy, I will shout in thanksgiving: I am delivered from the four dángs and the two dángs.”
از طرب گشته بزان زن هزار
در شرار شهوت خر بیقرار
Gaudio hircus (prurigo) feminae quae in igne libidinis asini inquieta erat mille factus est. [From joy, the woman’s goat (of lust) had become a thousand (-fold); (she became) restless in the sparks of the ass’s lust.]
چه بزان که آن شهوت او را بز گرفت
بز گرفتن گیج را نبود شگفت
Qualis hircus est ille quem tanta libido ludibrium fecit? Stultum deludi non est mirabile. [What goat (was) that? for lust took her goat (made a fool of her). The taking of a fool’s goat is not (something) amazing.]
میل شهوت کر کند دل را و کور
تا نماید خر چو یوسف نار نور
Lustful desire makes the heart deaf and blind, so that an ass seems like Joseph, fire (like) light.
ای بسا سرمست نار و نارجو
خویشتن را نور مطلق داند او
Oh, many a one intoxicated with fire and seeking fire deems himself absolute light.
جز مگر بندهی خدا یا جذب حق
با رهش آرد بگرداند ورق
(He is lost) unless a (chosen) servant of God, or the pull of God (Himself), lead him into the (right) way and turn over his leaf,
تا بداند که آن خیال ناریه
در طریقت نیست الا عاریه
So that he may know that the fiery phantom (which he mistook for light) in the Path is but a loan (unreal).
زشتها را خوب بنماید شره
نیست چون شهوت بتر ز آفتاب ره
(Sensual) cupidity causes foul things to appear fair: among the banes of the Way there is none like lust, none worse.
صد هزاران نام خوش را کرد ننگ
صد هزاران زیرکان را کرد دنگ
It has disgraced a hundred thousand good names, it has stupefied (besotted) a hundred thousand clever men.
چون خری را یوسف مصری نمود
یوسفی را چون نماید آن جهود
Since it caused an ass to appear (like) Joseph of Egypt, how (in what aspect) will that (miscreant) Jew cause a Joseph to appear?
بر تو سرگین را فسونش شهد کرد
شهد را خود چون کند وقت نبرد
Its spell made dung seem honey to you: what, forsooth, will it make honey seem at the time of contest?
شهوت از خوردن بود کم کن ز خور
یا نکاحی کن گریزان شو ز شر
Lust arises from eating and drinking: diminish your food, or marry and (so) flee from wickedness.
چون بخوردی میکشد سوی حرم
دخل را خرجی بباید لاجرم
When you have eaten and drunk (too much), it leads to things forbidden: there must necessarily be some outgoing of income.
پس نکاح آمد چو لاحول و لا
تا که دیوت نفکند اندر بلا
Marriage, then, is like (the exorcism), “There is neither power nor (strength except in God),” lest the Devil cast you into temptation.
چون حریص خوردنی زن خواه زود
ورنه آمد گربه و دنبه ربود
Since you are fond of eating and drinking, ask a woman (in marriage) at once; else the cat comes and carries off the fat sheep’s tail.
بار سنگی بر خری که میجهد
زود بر نه پیش از آن کو بر نهد
Quickly put a heavy load on the shying ass before it lays (a grievous load of sin) upon (you).
فعل آتش را نمیدانی تو برد
گرد آتش با چنین دانش مگرد
(If) you do not know the effect of fire, hold aloof (from it): do not approach the fire with such (little) knowledge (as you have).
علم دیگ و آتش ار نبود ترا
از شرر نه دیگ ماند نه ابا
If you have no knowledge of the cooking-pot and the fire, neither the pot nor the soup will be spared by the flames.
آب حاضر باید و فرهنگ نیز
تا پزد آب دیگ سالم در ازیز
Water must be there and skill too, in order that the (contents of the) pot may be safely cooked in boiling.
چون ندانی دانش آهنگری
ریش و مو سوزد چو آنجا بگذری
If you are ignorant of the science of the ironsmith, your beard and hair will be burned when you pass by that place (the forge).
در فرو بست آن زن و خر را کشید
شادمانه لاجرم کیفر چشید
Femina januam clausit asinumque animo gaudente attraxit: necessario poenam gustavit. [The woman shut the (stable) door and drew the ass (to her) joyfully; necessarily, she tasted the penalty (for her shameful behavior).]
در میان خانه آوردش کشان
خفت اندر زیر آن نر خر ستان
In medium stabulum eum trahendo duxit: sub asino decubuit supina [Pulling, she brought it into the middle of the stable: she lay down on (her) back under the male ass]
هم بر آن کرسی که دید او از کنیز
تا رسد در کام خود آن قحبه نیز
In eadem sella quam viderat ab ancilla (adhibitam), ut ista meretrix quoque voto potiretur. [On the same chair that she saw (used) by the maidservant in order to attain her desire; that whore (did) also.]
پا بر آورد و خر اندر ویی سپوخت
آتشی از کیر خر در وی فروخت
Pedem sustulit, asinus (veretrum) in eam trusit: asini veretro ignis in ea accensus est. [She raised (her) feet and the ass thrust (its penis) into her; a fire (of lust) was kindled in her by the ass’s penis.]
خر مدب گشته در خاتون فشرد
تا بخایه در زمان خاتون بمرد
Cum asinus eruditus esset, in hera infixit (veretrum) usque ad testiculos: simul hera periit. [The ass had been trained; it pressed (its penis) into the lady up to (its) testicles: the lady died at once.]
بر درید از زخم کیر خر جگر
رودهها بسکسته شد از همدگر
Jecur ejus veretri verbere discissum, viscera inter se dirupta. [(Her) liver was torn by the blow of the ass’s penis; (her) intestines were torn away from each other. ]
دم نزد در حال آن زن جان بداد
کرسی از یکسو زن از یکسو فتاد
Extemplo femina, nulla voce facta, animam reddidit: hinc cecidit sella, illinc femina. [She did not utter (anything): the woman gave up (her) soul at once. The chair fell to one side, the woman to (the other) side.]
صحن خانه پر ز خون شد زن نگون
مرد او و برد جان ریب المنون
Area stabuli sanguine plena, femina inverso capite prostrata: periit, animamque ejus abripuit Fati calamitas. [The floor of the stable became filled with blood, the woman (lay) prostrate: she died and the calamities (of Fate) took (her) life. ]
مرگ بد با صد فضیحت ای پدر
تو شهیدی دیدهای از کیر خر
Ecce mors nefanda cum centum opprobriis, O pater: num vidisti (quemquam) de veretro asini martyrem? [An abominable death with a hundred disgraces, O father: have you (ever) seen a martyr (slain) by an ass’s penis?]
تو عذاب الخزی بشنو از نبی
در چنین ننگی مکن جان را فدی
Hear from the Qur’án (what is) the torment of disgrace: do not sacrifice your life in such a shameful cause.
دانک این نفس بهیمی نر خرست
زیر او بودن از آن ننگینترست
Know that the male ass is this bestial soul: to be under it is more shameful than that (woman’s behaviour).
در ره نفس ار بمیری در منی
تو حقیقت دان که مثل آن زنی
If you die in egoism in the way of (for the sake of) the fleshly soul, know for certain that you are like that woman.
نفس ما را صورت خر بدهد او
زانک صورتها کند بر وفق خو
He (God) will give our fleshly soul the form of an ass, because He makes the (outward) forms to be in accordance with the (inward) nature.
این بود اظهار سر در رستخیز
الله الله از تن چون خر گریز
This is the manifestation of the secret at the Resurrection: by God, by God, flee from the ass-like body!
کافران را بیم کرد ایزد ز نار
کافران گفتند نار اولی ز عار
God terrified (threatened) the unbelievers with the Fire: the unbelievers said, “Better the Fire than shame.”
گفت نی آن نار اصل عارهاست
همچو این ناری که این زن را بکاست
He said, “Nay, that Fire is the source of (all) shames” like the fire (of lust) that destroyed this woman.
لقمه اندازه نخورد از حرص خود
در گلو بگرفت لقمه مرگ بد
In her greed she ate immoderately: the mouthful of an infamous death stuck in her throat (and choked her).
لقمه اندازه خور ای مرد حریص
گرچه باشد لقمه حلوا و خبیص
Eat (and drink) in moderation, O greedy man, though it be a mouthful of halwá or khabís.
حق تعالی داد میزان را زبان
هین ز قرآن سورهی رحمن بخوان
The high God hath given the balance a tongue (which you must regulate): hark, recite the Súratu’ l-Rahmán (the Chapter of the Merciful) in the Qur’án.
هین ز حرص خویش میزان را مهل
آز و حرص آمد ترا خصم مضل
Beware, do not in your greed let the balance go: cupidity and greed are enemies that lead you to perdition.
حرص جوید کل بر آید او ز کل
حرص مپرست ای فجل ابن الفجل
Greed craves all and loses all: do not serve greed, O ignoble son of the ignoble.
آن کنیزک میشد و میگفت آه
کردی ای خاتون تو استا را به راه
The maid, whilst she went (on her errand), was saying (to herself), “Ah, mistress, thou hast sent away the expert.
کار بیاستاد خواهی ساختن
جاهلانه جان بخواهی باختن
Thou wilt set to work without the expert and wilt foolishly hazard thy life.
ای ز من دزدیده علمی ناتمام
ننگ آمد که بپرسی حال دام
O thou who hast stolen from me an imperfect knowledge, thou wert ashamed to ask about the trap.”
هم بچیدی دانه مرغ از خرمنش
هم نیفتادی رسن در گردنش
(If) the bird had picked the grain from its stack, the (trap-) cord would not have fallen on its neck (and made it captive).
دانه کمتر خور مکن چندین رفو
چون کلوا خواندی بخوان لا تسرفوا
Eat less of the grain, do not patch (the body) so much (with food): after having recited eat ye, recite (also) do not exceed,
تا خوری دانه نیفتی تو به دام
این کند علم و قناعت والسلام
So that you may eat the grain and (yet) not fall into the trap. Knowledge and contentment effect this. And (now) farewell.
نعمت از دنیا خورد عاقل نه غم
جاهلان محروم مانده در ندم
The wise man gets happiness from the present life, not sorrow, (while) the ignorant are left in disappointment and regret.
چون در افتد در گلوشان حبل دام
دانه خوردن گشت بر جمله حرام
When the trap-cord (of sensuality) falls on their throats, it becomes unlawful (forbidden) to them all to eat the grain.
مرغ اندر دام دانه کی خورد
دانه چون زهرست در دام ار چرد
How should the bird in the trap eat (enjoy) the grain? The grain in the trap is like poison (to him), if he feed (on it).
مرغ غافل میخورد دانه ز دام
همچو اندر دام دنیا این عوام
(Only) the heedless bird will eat grain from the trap, as these common folk do in the trap of the present world.
باز مرغان خبیر هوشمند
کردهاند از دانه خود را خشکبند
Again, the knowing and prudent birds have debarred themselves from the grain;
که اندرون دام دانه زهرباست
کور آن مرغی که در فخ دانه خواست
For the grain in the trap is poisonous food: blind is the bird that desires the grain in the trap.
صاحب دام ابلهان را سر برید
وآن ظریفان را به مجلسها کشید
The Owner of the trap cut off the heads of the foolish ones, and conducted the clever ones to the (exalted) assembly-places;
که از آنها گوشت میآید به کار
وز ظریفان بانگ و نالهی زیر و زار
For in the former (only) the flesh is serviceable, but in the clever ones (their) song and warble soft and low.
پس کنیزک آمد از اشکاف در
دید خاتون را به مرده زیر خر
Deinde venit ancilla perque rimam januae heram videt sub asino mortuam. [Then, the maidservant arrived. Through a crack in the door, she saw the lady dead under the ass.]
گفت ای خاتون احمق این چه بود
گر ترا استاد خود نقشی نمود
“O hera stulta,” inquit, “hoc (facinus ineptum) quid fuit, etsi ea quae perita est technam tibi ostenderat? [She said, “O foolish lady, what was this (foolish deed), even if your teacher showed you a plan (of the method)?]
ظاهرش دیدی سرش از تو نهان
اوستا ناگشته بگشادی دکان
Technae quod patebat vidisti, tibi ignotum quod latebat: imperita tabernam aperuisti. [You saw its outward (form); its secret (was) hidden from you. Not having become a master (of the craft), you opened the shop.]
کیر دیدی همچو شهد و چون خبیص
آن کدو را چون ندیدی ای حریص
Veretrum tanquam mel vel cibum ex dactylis et butyro comparatum vidisti: cur illam cucurbitam non vidisti, O avida? [You saw the penis, like honey or like dates (cooked with flour and butter): why did you not see the gourd, O greedy one?]
یا چون مستغرق شدی در عشق خر
آن کدو پنهان بماندت از نظر
Vel cur, cum asini amore obruta esses, cucurbita visu tuo sejuncta manebat? [Or (why), when you were immersed in love for the ass, did the gourd remain hidden from your sight?]
ظاهر صنعت بدیدی زوستاد
اوستادی برگرفتی شاد شاد
Docta ab ea quae perita est vidisti technae speciem externam: peritiam ipsa valde gaudens assumpsisti.” [You saw the external (form) of the craft from the master, (and then) you assumed expertise very joyfully. ]
ای بسا زراق گول بیوقوف
از ره مردان ندیده غیر صوف
Oh, there is many a stupid ignorant hypocrite who has seen nothing of the Way of the (holy) men except the woollen mantle (súf).
ای بسا شوخان ز اندک احتراف
از شهان ناموخته جز گفت و لاف
Oh, there are many impudent fellows who, with little practice (in the religious life), have learned from the (spiritual) kings nothing but talk and brag.
هر یکی در کف عصا که موسیام
میدمد بر ابلهان که عیسیام
Every one (of them), staff (rod) in hand, says, “I am Moses,” and breathes upon the foolish folk, saying, “I am Jesus.”
آه از آن روزی که صدق صادقان
باز خواهد از تو سنگ امتحان
Alas the Day when the touchstone will demand from thee the sincerity of the sincere!
آخر از استاد باقی را بپرس
یا حریصان جمله کورانند و خرس
Come, inquire of the Master (what is) the remainder (of the Way); or are the greedy ones all blind and deaf?
جمله جستی باز ماندی از همه
صید گرگانند این ابله رمه
You craved all and you lost all: this foolish flock are the prey of wolves.
صورتی بنشینده گشتی ترجمان
بیخبر از گفت خود چون طوطیان
Having heard a form (of words), you have become its expounder, (though) ignorant of (the meaning of) your words like parrots.
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi, Persian Poetry)
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