How to Speak the Persian Language in 5 Deliberate Steps

Persian is a beautiful, romantic language, and it’s spoken in some countries around the world. If you’d like to learn basic Persian, start with practical words and phrases. You can work on greetings, introducing yourself, polite expressions, and other simple conversational skills. Practice your Persian pronunciation and, if you want to dig a little deeper, learn more about the language’s grammar and structure. To study Persian effectively, make flashcards, read easy Persian children’s books, and write simple daily journal entries in Persian.

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Step 1 Record your own voice

For people who don’t have much or any correction of pronunciation from a teacher, recording your voice and listening back makes it easier to hear whether you are really making the Persian sounds that you are trying to or not.

Step 2 – Learn Conversational Grammar

Try to avoid spending a lot of time understanding all Persian grammar. Actually, hours can be spent memorizing a heap of different conjugations, but like vocabulary, they aren’t all created equally.
You can also learn grammar that is more relevant to the conversation to save time.

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Step 3 Learn as many words as you can of one category, e.g. color words

Learning similar Persian words together can both expand your overall vocabulary and make them easier to learn by forming links between the words in your brain.

Step 4 – Learn Conversational Vocabulary

There are too many words in the Persian language but not all of them are as useful as others. Some words get used more often and in particular, there is a small group of words that get used for almost 70% of spoken Persian.

Focus on learning the right Persian words and you can speed up the process by shortcutting the majority of the vocabulary acquisition.

Step 5 – Arrange a conversation exchange

Swapping lessons and conversations with someone who wants to learn your native language can be a good alternative for those who have no one to talk to.

Additional Tips:

1. Reward yourself and celebrate every success

We think, sometimes just knowing that you are making progress is not enough. To help yourself stay motivated, you should reward yourself for the progress made.

It is so important and necessary to celebrate small successes as well as big ones. Taking a big trip after passing an important language exam is definitely motivating, but even small things like getting a cup of good coffee from your favorite cafe after a successful learning lesson can also be a good motivator.

2. Focus on what you’ve already learned

When you don’t feel like you are making any progress it is easy to be frustrated. In this case, looking back at what you have already achieved and learned can help a lot.

Take a look at the textbooks or phrases you have already learned. Also, you need to look through some of your old notebooks and the exercises you’ve written. Leaf through the texts you’ve read in Persian. Actually, you will see how much you have covered and how easy the earlier materials seem.

Then, sit down with a sheet of paper or a note-taking app and write a text in Persian on whatever topic you wish. Firstly, this will help you see how much you already know Persian. And secondly, it will be something useful for your future self to look back on when you hit another roadblock on your journey to Persian fluency.

3. Identify and limit distractions 

Life can be pretty distracting for us, especially when we have access to the Internet from our mobile that is pretty much glued to our hands – getting distracted has never been easier. There’s always a new movie to watch, a notification to check… Even «useful» things such as washing the dishes can become a distraction if you choose to do them instead of learning Persian.

Take a look around. Please try to understand what things distract you the most and limit them. Try switching off mobile notifications or putting away the mobile, make a plan to watch that series or movie later (unless you’re using series or movies to learn Persian), or you can delegate some of the chores, etc. If possible, find space for your studying. It can be outside in the garden or on your bedroom floor, or at your desk. You can even leave your home to study in a park, in a cafe, or at the local library. In fact, the fewer distractions there are, the easier it will be for you to concentrate on language learning.

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