Story on a true searcher persevering under oppression حکایت جستجو کننده واقعی تحت ستم

Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی

ne pious, who kept up his vigils all night,
Raised his hands up in pray’r, at the first dawn of light
A voice from the sky reached the aged man’s ear,
Saying, “Go on your way, you are portionless here!  
  شنیدم که پیری شبی زنده داشت
سحر دست حاجت به حق برفراشت
یکی هاتف انداخت در گوش پیر
که بی حاصلی، رو سر خویش گیر
Your petition has not been received at this gate;
Go away, in disgrace! If you don’t, weeping wait”!
Next night, he, in worshipping God, kept awake;
A disciple got news of his case and, thus, spake:
بر این در دعای تو مقبول نیست
به خواری برو یا بزاری بایست
شب دیگر از ذکر و طاعت نخفت
مریدی ز حالش خبر یافت، گفت
“Since you’ve seen that the door on that side is shut to,
Disappointment, so zealously, do not pursue
Adown his pale cheeks, from repentance, there ran
The tears ruby coloured; he said, ” Oh young man!  
چو دیدی کزان روی بستهست در
به بی حاصلی سعی چندین مبر
به دیباجه بر اشک یاقوت فام
به حسرت ببارید و گفت ای غلام
In hopelessness, I would have wandered away
From this road, had I seen where another path lay.
به نومیدی آنگه بگردیدمی
از این ره، که راهی دگر دیدمی
Although He has severed the reins, don’t suppose
That my hands from His saddle-straps I will unclose!
مپندار گر وی عنان برشکست
که من باز دارم ز فتراک دست
When a beggar returns from a door unrelieved,
And knows of another, why should he feel grieved?
چو خواهنده محروم گشت از دری
چه غم گر شناسد در دیگری؟
I have heard that my path in this street does not lie,
And yet, I can no other pathway descry “.
شنیدم که راهم در این کوی نیست
ولی هیچ راه دگر روی نیست
Thus engaged, on the ground of devotion his head;
In the ear of his soul the pure Angel, thus, said:
در این بود سر بر زمین فدا
که گفتند در گوش جانش ندا
“He’s accepted, although without worth of his own,
For excepting in Me, no protection is known “.
قبول است اگرچه هنر نیستش
که جز ما پناهی دگر نیستش


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