Explaining how the faith of the conventional (worldly) man consists in fear and hope. بیان آنک ایمان مقلد خوفست و رجا
داعی هر پیشه اومیدست و بوک گرچه گردنشان ز کوشش شد چو دوک
The motive in every trade is hope and chance, even though their necks are (worn thin), like a spindle, from (incessant) toil.
بامدادان چون سوی دکان رود بر امید و بوک روزی میدود
When he (the trader) goes in the morning to his shop, he is running (thither) in the hope and chance of (earning) a livelihood.
بوک روزی نبودت چون میروی خوف حرمان هست تو چونی قوی
(If) you have not the chance of (earning) a livelihood, why do you go (to your shop)? There is the fear (danger) of disappointment: how (then) are you strong (confident)?
خوف حرمان ازل در کسب لوت چون نکردت سست اندر جست و جوت
In (the case of) earning food, how has the fear of eternal (eternally predestined) disappointment not made you feeble in your search?
گویی گرچه خوف حرمان هست پیش هست اندر کاهلی این خوف بیش
You will say, “Though the fear of disappointment is before (me), this fear is greater (when I am) in idleness.
هست در کوشش امیدم بیشتر دارم اندر کاهلی افزون خطر
(When I am) at work my hope is greater: (when I am) in idleness I have more risk.”
پس چرا در کار دین ای بدگمان دامنت میگیرد این خوف زیان
Then, O evil-thinking man, why is this fear of loss holding you back in the matter of religion?
یا ندیدی کاهل این بازار ما در چه سودند انبیا و اولیا
Or have not you seen in what a gainful trade the people of this bazaar of ours, the prophets and the saints, are (engaged),
زین دکان رفتن چه کانشان رو نمود اندرین بازار چون بستند سود
And what mines (of treasure) have appeared to them from this going to the (spiritual) shop, and how they have gotten gain in this market?
آتش آن را رام چون خلخال شد بحر آن را رام شد حمال شد
To that one the fire became submissive, like an anklet; to that one the sea became submissive and carried him on its shoulders;
آهن آن را رام شد چون موم شد باد آن را بنده و محکوم شد
To that one the iron became submissive and wax-like; to that one the wind became a slave and subject.
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi, Persian Poetry)
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