How Mustafá (Mohammed)

How Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, (was about to) cast himself down from Mount Hirá because of his distress at the long delay of Gabriel, on whom be peace, in appearing; and how Gabriel, on whom be peace, showed himself to him, saying, “Do not cast (thyself down), for (great) fortunes are in front of thee.” قصد انداختن مصطفی علیه‌السلام خود را از کوه حری از وحشت دیر نمودن جبرئیل علیه‌السلام خود را به وی و پیدا شدن جبرئیل به وی کی مینداز کی ترا دولتها در پیش است

مصطفی را هجر چون بفراختی خویش را از کوه می‌انداختی
Whenever (the sense of) separation (from God) overpowered Mustafá, he would be on the point of casting himself down from the mountain,
تا بگفتی جبرئیلش هین مکن که ترا بس دولتست از امر کن
Until Gabriel would say to him, “Hark, do it not, for great fortune is (coming) to thee from the Command, Be!”
مصطفی ساکن شدی ز انداختن باز هجران آوریدی تاختن
(Then) Mustafá would desist from casting (himself down), (till) separation again made an attack (upon him).
باز خود را سرنگون از کوه او می‌فکندی از غم و اندوه او
(Then) again, from grief and sorrow, he would be on the point of throwing himself headlong from the mountain,
باز خود پیدا شدی آن جبرئیل که مکن این ای تو شاه بی‌بدیل
And once more Gabriel would appear in person, saying, “Do it not, O thou peerless (spiritual) king!”
هم‌چنین می‌بود تا کشف حجاب تا بیابید آن گهر را او ز جیب
Even thus he would continue until the veil was lifted, so that he gained the pearl (of his desire) from the bosom (of his inmost consciousness).
بهر هر محنت چو خود را می‌کشند اصل محنتهاست این چونش کشند
Since people kill themselves on account of any affliction, this (separation from God) is the root of (all) afflictions: how should they endure it?
از فدایی مردمان را حیرتیست هر یکی از ما فدای سیرتیست
Men are amazed at the Fidá’í, (but) every one of us is a Fidá’í in his behaviour.
ای خنک آنک فدا کردست تن بهر آن کارزد فدای آن شدن
Oh, blest is he that has sacrificed his body for the sake of that for which it is worth while to sacrifice one’s self.
هر یکی چونک فدایی فنیست کاندر آن ره صرف عمر و کشتنیست
Inasmuch as every one is devoted to some calling wherein he spends his life and is killed.
کشتنی اندر غروبی یا شروق که نه شایق ماند آنگه نه مشوق
Is killed somewhere (either) in the West or in the East, at which time neither the desiring subject nor the desired object remains (in existence).
باری این مقبل فدای این فنست کاندرو صد زندگی در کشتنست
After all, this fortunate man is devoted to the calling wherein a hundred lives are (gained) in being killed;
عاشق و معشوق و عشقش بر دوام در دو عالم بهرمند و نیک‌نام
Its lover and beloved and love are everlastingly prosperous and renowned in both worlds.
یا کرامی ارحموا اهل الهوی شانهم ورد التوی بعد التوی
O my generous friends, have pity on the votaries of passion: ’tis their business to go down to destruction after destruction. 
عفو کن ای میر بر سختی او در نگر در درد و بدبختی او
(The people said), “O Amír, pardon his (the ascetic’s) violence: consider his sorrow and ill-fortune,
تا ز جرمت هم خدا عفوی کند زلتت را مغفرت در آکند
In order that God may pardon thy sins likewise and heap forgiveness on thy faults.
تو ز غفلت بس سبو بشکسته‌ای در امید عفو دل در بسته‌ای
Thou hast heedlessly broken many a jug and set thy heart on the hope of pardon.
عفو کن تا عفو یابی در جزا می‌شکافد مو قدر اندر سزا
Pardon, that thou mayst win pardon in return: the (Divine) decree splits hairs (is exceedingly scrupulous) in (giving every one his) deserts.”




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