How the Amír answered them again

How the Amír answered them again. باز جواب گفتن آن امیر ایشان را

گفت نه نه من حریف آن میم من به ذوق این خوشی قانع نیم
He replied, “Nay, nay, I am the fellow for that wine: I am not content with tasting this delight (of which ye speak).
من چنان خواهم که هم‌چون یاسمین کژ همی‌گردم چنان گاهی چنین
I desire such (wine), that, like the jasmine, I may ever be reeling crookedly (now) that way, now this,
وارهیده از همه خوف و امید کژ همی‌گردم بهر سو هم‌چو بید
And, having been delivered from all fear and hope, I may be swaying to every side, like the willow,
هم‌چو شاخ بید گردان چپ و راست که ز بادش گونه گونه رقصهاست
Swaying to left and right like the willow-bough, which is made to dance all sorts of dances by the wind.”
آنک خو کردست با شادی می این خوشی را کی پسندد خواجه کی
He that is accustomed to the joy of (spiritual) wine, how should he be satisfied with this delight, Khwája, eh?
انبیا زان زین خوشی بیرون شدند که سرشته در خوشی حق بدند
The prophets abandoned this delight because they were steeped in the Divine delight;
زانک جانشان آن خوشی را دیده بود این خوشیها پیششان بازی نمود
Since their spirit had experienced that delight, these delights seemed to them (mere) play.
با بت زنده کسی چون گشت یار مرده را چون در کشد اندر کنار
When any one has been united with a living object of adoration, how should he embrace a dead one?




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