How the criers of the Cadi advertised an insolvent round the town. تعریف کردن منادیان قاضی مفلسی را گرد شهر
بود شخصی مفلسی بیخان و مان
مانده در زندان وبند بیامان
There was an insolvent person without house or home, who remained in prison and pitiless bondage.
لقمهی زندانیان خوردی گزاف
بر دل خلق از طمع چون کوه قاف
He would unconscionably eat the rations of the prisoners; on account of (his) appetite he was (a burden) like Mount Qáf on the hearts of the people (in the gaol).
زهره نه کس را که لقمهی نان خورد
ز انکه آن لقمهربا کاوش برد
No one had the pluck to eat a mouthful of bread, because that snatcher of portions would carry off his entire meal.
هر که دور از دعوت رحمان بود
او گدا چشم است اگر سلطان بود
Any one who is far from the feast of the Merciful (God) has the eye of a (low) beggar, though he be a sultan.
مر مروت را نهاده زیر پا
گشته زندان دوزخی ز آن نان ربا
He (the insolvent) had trodden virtue underfoot; the prison had become a hell on account of that robber of bread.
گر گریزی بر امید راحتی
ز آن طرف هم پیشت آید آفتی
If you flee in hope of some relief, on that side also a calamity comes to meet you.
هیچ کنجی بیدد و بیدام نیست
جز به خلوتگاه حق آرام نیست
No corner is without wild beasts; there is no rest but in the place where you are alone with God.
کنج زندان جهان ناگزیر
نیست بیپا مزد و بیدق الحصیر
The corner (narrow cell) of this world’s inevitable prison is not exempt from the charges for visitors and (the cost of) housewarming.
و الله ار سوراخ موشی در روی
مبتلای گربه چنگالی شوی
By God, if you go into a mouse-hole, you will be afflicted by some one who has the claws of a cat.
آدمی را فربهی هست از خیال
گر خیالاتش بود صاحب جمال
Man has fatness from (thrives on) fancy, if his fancies are beautiful;
ور خیالاتش نماید ناخوشی
میگدازد همچو موم از آتشی
And if his fancies show anything unlovely he melts away as wax (is melted) by a fire.
در میان مار و کژدم گر ترا
با خیالات خوشان دارد خدا
If amidst snakes and scorpions God keep you with the fancies of them that are (spiritually) fair,
مار و کژدم مر ترا مونس بود
کان خیالت کیمیای مس بود
The snakes and scorpions will be friendly to you, because that fancy is the elixir which transmutes your copper (into gold).
صبر شیرین از خیال خوش شده ست
کان خیالات فرج پیش آمده ست
Patience is sweetened by fair fancy, since (in that case) the fancies of relief (from pain) have come before (the mind).
آن فرج آید ز ایمان در ضمیر
ضعف ایمان ناامیدی و زحیر
That relief comes into the heart from faith: weakness of faith is despair and torment.
صبر از ایمان بیابد سر کله
حیث لا صبر فلا إیمان له
Patience gains a crown from faith: where one hath no patience, he hath no faith.
گفت پیغمبر خداش ایمان نداد
هر که را صبری نباشد در نهاد
The Prophet said, “God has not given faith to any one in whose nature there is no patience.”
آن یکی در چشم تو باشد چو مار
هم وی اندر چشم آن دیگر نگار
That same one (who) in your eyes is like a snake is a picture (of beauty) in the eyes of another,
ز انکه در چشمت خیال کفر اوست
و آن خیال مومنی در چشم دوست
Because in your eyes is the fancy of his being an infidel, while in the eyes of his friend is the fancy of his being a (true) believer;
کاندر این یک شخص هر دو فعل هست
گاه ماهی باشد او و گاه شست
For both the effects (belief and unbelief) exist in this one person: now he is a fish and now a hook.
نیم او مومن بود نیمیش گبر
نیم او حرص آوری نیمیش صبر
Half of him is believer, half of him infidel; half of him cupidity, half of him patience (and abstinence).
گفت یزدانت فمنکم مومن
باز منکم کافر گبر کهن
Your God has said, “(Some) of you (are) believing”; (and) again, “(Some) of you (are) unbelieving” (as) an old fire-worshipper.
همچو گاوی نیمهی چپش سیاه
نیمهی دیگر سپید همچو ماه
(He is) like an ox, his left half black, the other half white as the moon.
هر که این نیمه ببیند رد کند
هر که آن نیمه ببیند کد کند
Whoever sees the former half spurns (him); whoever sees the latter half seeks (after him).
یوسف اندر چشم اخوان چون ستور
هم وی اندر چشم یعقوبی چو حور
Joseph was like a beast of burden in the eyes of his brethren; at the same time in the eyes of a Jacob he was like a houri.
از خیال بد مر او را زشت دید
چشم فرع و چشم اصلی ناپدید
Through evil fancy the (bodily) derivative eye and the original unseen eye (of the mind) regarded him (Joseph) as ugly.
چشم ظاهر سایهی آن چشم دان
هر چه آن بیند بگردد این بد آن
Know that the outward eye is the shadow of that (inward) eye: whatever that (inward) eye may see, this (outward) eye turns to that (eye).
تو مکانی اصل تو در لامکان
این دکان بر بند و بگشا آن دکان
You are of where, (but) your origin is in Nowhere: shut up this shop and open that shop.
شش جهت مگریز زیرا در جهات
ششدره است و ششدره مات است مات
Do not flee to the (world of the) six directions, because in directions there is the shashdara, and the shashdara is mate, mate.
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