How the merchant saw the parrots

How the merchant saw the parrots of India in the plain and delivered the parrot’s message دیدن خواجه طوطیان هندوستان را در دشت

چون که تا اقصای هندوستان رسید
در بیابان طوطی چندی بدید
When he reached the farthest bounds of India, he saw a number of parrots in the plain.
مرکب استانید پس آواز داد
آن سلام و آن امانت باز داد
He halted his beast; then he gave voice, delivered the greeting and (discharged) the trust.
طوطیی ز آن طوطیان لرزید بس
اوفتاد و مرد و بگسستش نفس‌‌
One of those parrots trembled exceedingly, fell, and died, and its breath stopped.
شد پشیمان خواجه از گفت خبر
گفت رفتم در هلاک جانور
The merchant repented of having told the news, and said, “I have gone about to destroy the creature.
این مگر خویش است با آن طوطیک
این مگر دو جسم بود و روح یک‌‌
This one, surely, is kin to that little parrot (of mine): they must have been two bodies and one spirit.
این چرا کردم چرا دادم پیام
سوختم بی‌‌چاره را زین گفت خام‌‌
Why did I do this? Why did I give the message? I have consumed the poor creature by this raw (foolish) speech.”
این زبان چون سنگ و هم آهن‌‌وش است
و آن چه بجهد از زبان چون آتش است‌‌
This tongue is like stone and is also like iron, and that which springs from the tongue is like fire.
سنگ و آهن را مزن بر هم گزاف
گه ز روی نقل و گاه از روی لاف‌‌
Do not vainly strike stone and iron against each other, now for the sake of relating (a story), now for the sake of boasting,
ز آن که تاریک است و هر سو پنبه زار
در میان پنبه چون باشد شرار
Because it is dark, and on every side are fields of cotton: how should sparks be amongst cotton?
ظالم آن قومی که چشمان دوختند
ز آن سخنها عالمی را سوختند
Iniquitous are those persons who shut their eyes and by such (vain) words set a whole world ablaze.
عالمی را یک سخن ویران کند
روبهان مرده را شیران کند
A single word lays waste a (whole) world, turns dead foxes into lions.
جانها در اصل خود عیسی دمند
یک زمان زخمند و گاهی مرهمند
Spirits in their original nature have the (life-giving) breath of Jesus, (but while they remain embodied) at one time they are (like) the wound, and another time (like) the plaster.
گر حجاب از جانها برخاستی
گفت هر جانی مسیح آساستی‌‌
If the (bodily) screen were removed from the spirits, the speech of every spirit would be like (the breath of) the Messiah.
گر سخن خواهی که گویی چون شکر
صبر کن از حرص و این حلوا مخور
If you wish to utter words like sugar, refrain from concupiscence and do not eat this sweetmeat (the desires of the flesh).
صبر باشد مشتهای زیرکان
هست حلوا آرزوی کودکان‌‌
Self-control is the thing desired by the intelligent; sweetmeat is what children long for.
هر که صبر آورد گردون بر رود
هر که حلوا خورد واپس‌‌تر رود
Whoever practises self-control ascends to Heaven, whoever eats sweetmeat falls farther behind.




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