How the negation and affirmation of one (and the same) thing may be combined and reconciled from the standpoint of relativity and difference of aspect. جمع و توفیق میان نفی و اثبات یک چیز از روی نسبت و اختلاف جهت
نفی آن یک چیز و اثباتش رواست چون جهت شد مختلف نسبت دوتاست
It is possible to deny and affirm the same thing: when the point of view is different, the relation is twofold.
ما رمیت اذ رمیت از نسبتست نفی و اثباتست و هر دو مثبتست
(The text) thou didst not throw when thou threwest is relative: it is negation and affirmation: both are authorised.
آن تو افکندی چو بر دست تو بود تو نه افکندی که قوت حق نمود
Thou threwest that (gravel), since it was on thy hand; thou didst not throw, for God manifested (His) power.
زور آدمزاد را حدی بود مشت خاک اشکست لشکر کی شود
The strength of one born of Adam has a limit: how should a handful of earth become (the cause of) the rout of an army?
مشت مشت تست و افکندن ز ماست زین دو نسبت نفی و اثباتش رواست
“(O Mohammed), the handful is thy handful, and the throwing is from Me”: on account of these two relations (both) the denial and the affirmation of it (the throwing) are right.
یعرفون الانبیا اضدادهم مثل ما لا یشتبه اولادهم
The prophets are known by their enemies, just as their (the enemies’) children are not doubtful (to their parents).
همچو فرزندان خود دانندشان منکران با صد دلیل و صد نشان
The unbelievers know them (the prophets) as (they know) their children by a hundred indications and a hundred signs,
لیک از رشک و حسد پنهان کنند خویشتن را بر ندانم میزنند
But, from jealousy and envy, they conceal (their knowledge) and attach themselves to (become addicted to saying) “I do not know.”
پس چو یعرف گفت چون جای دگر گفت لایعرفهم غیری فذر
Then, since He (God) hath said, “He (the unbeliever) knows,” how hath He said in another place? “None knoweth them except Me, so leave off (seeking to know them);
انهم تحت قبابی کامنون جز که یزدانشان نداند ز آزمون
Verily, they are hidden beneath My tents.” None knows them by (immediate) experience except God.
هم بنسبت گیر این مفتوح را که بدانی و ندانی نوح را
Regard also as (explicable) by means of relation this (subject) which was opened (above), (namely) that you know and do not know Noah.
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi, Persian Poetry)
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