How the wife, for the sake of imposition

How the wife, for the sake of imposition, hid the beloved one under her chádar and offered a false excuse, “for verily, great is the cunning of you (women).” معشوق را زیر چادر پنهان کردن جهت تلبیس و بهانه گفتن زن کی ان کید کن عظیم

چادر خود را برو افکند زود
مرد را زن ساخت و در را بر گشود
She quickly threw her chádar upon him: she made the man a woman and opened the door.
زیر چادر مرد رسوا و عیان
سخت پیدا چون شتر بر نردبان
Beneath the chádar the man was exposed to view and clearly seen very conspicuous, like a camel on a staircase.
گفت خاتونیست از اعیان شهر
مر ورا از مال و اقبالست بهر
She said, ‘’Tis a lady, one of the notables of the town: she has her share of wealth and fortune.
در ببستم تا کسی بیگانه‌ای
در نیاید زود نادانانه‌ای
I bolted the door, lest any stranger should come in suddenly unawares.’
گفت صوفی چیستش هین خدمتی
تا بر آرم بی‌سپاس و منتی
The Súfí said, ‘Oh, what service is there (to be done) for her, that I may perform it without (expecting) any thanks or favour (in return)?’
گفت میلش خویشی و پیوستگیست
نیک خاتونیست حق داند که کیست
She (the wife) said, ‘Her desire is kinship and alliance (with us): she is an excellent lady, God knows who she is.
خواست دختر را ببیند زیر دست
اتفاقا دختر اندر مکتبست
She wished to see our daughter privily; (but) as it happens, the girl is at school;
باز گفت ار آرد باشد یا سبوس
می‌کنم او را به جان و دل عروس
(So) then she said, Whether she (the daughter) be flour or bran, with (all my) soul and heart I will make her (my son’s) bride.
یک پسر دارد که اندر شهر نیست
خوب و زیرک چابک و مکسب کنیست
She has a son, who is not in the town: he is handsome and clever, an active lad and one that earns a living.’
گفت صوفی ما فقیر و زار و کم
قوم خاتون مال‌دار و محتشم
The Súfí said, ‘We are poor and wretched and inferior (in station); this lady’s family are rich and respected.
کی بود این کفو ایشان در زواج
یک در از چوب و دری دیگر ز عاج
How should this (girl) be an equal match for them in marriage? one folding door of wood and another of ivory!
کفو باید هر دو جفت اندر نکاح
ورنه تنگ آید نماند ارتیاح
In wedlock both the partners must be equal, otherwise it will pinch, and (their) happiness will not endure.’




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