Story of the Indian who quarrelled with his friend over a certain action and was not aware that he too was afflicted with (guilty of) it. حکایت هندو که با یار خود جنگ میکرد بر کاری و خبر نداشت که او هم بدان مبتلاست
چار هندو در یکی مسجد شدند
بهر طاعت راکع و ساجد شدند
Four Indians went into a mosque: they bowed their heads and prostrated themselves for worship’s sake.
هر یکی بر نیتی تکبیر کرد
در نماز آمد به مسکینی و درد
Each one performed the takbír (following) upon a niyyat, and began to pray with lowliness and contrition.
موذن آمد از یکی لفظی بجست
کای موذن بانگ کردی وقت هست
(When) the muezzin came, from one of them fell a remark “O muezzin, have you given the call to prayers? Is it time?”
گفت آن هندوی دیگر از نیاز
هی سخن گفتی و باطل شد نماز
The second Indian said on the spur of the moment, “Hey, you have spoken, and (so) your prayer is null.”
آن سوم گفت آن دوم را ای عمو
چه زنی طعنه بر او خود را بگو
The third one said to the second, “O uncle, why do you rail at him? Tell yourself (how to behave).”
آن چهارم گفت حمد الله که من
در نیفتادم به چه چون آن سه تن
Said the fourth, “Praise be to God that I have not fallen into the pit (of error), like those three persons.”
پس نماز هر چهاران شد تباه
عیب گویان بیشتر گم کرده راه
Hence the prayers of all the four were marred; and the fault-finders went astray more (than he who made the original mistake).
ای خنک جانی که عیب خویش دید
هر که عیبی گفت آن بر خود خرید
Oh, happy the soul that saw its own fault, and if any one told (found) a fault, wished eagerly (to take) that (fault) upon itself!
ز انکه نیم او ز عیبستان بده ست
و آن دگر نیمش ز غیبستان بده ست
Because half of him (every man) has always belonged to the realm of faults, and the other half of him to the realm of the Unseen.
چون که بر سر مر ترا ده ریش هست
مرهمت بر خویش باید کار بست
Since you have ten sores on your head, you must apply the plaster to yourself.
عیب کردن ریش را داروی اوست
چون شکسته گشت جای ارحمواست
Finding fault with the sore (in one’s self) is the (right) remedy for it; when one has become broken (contrite), it is (then) the (proper) occasion for (obeying the Prophet’s injunction), “Have pity.”
گر همان عیبت نبود ایمن مباش
بو که آن عیب از تو گردد نیز فاش
(Even) if you have not the same fault, be not secure; maybe, that fault will afterwards become notorious in you.
لا تخافوا از خدا نشنیدهای
پس چه خود را ایمن و خوش دیدهای
You have not heard from God (the comforting words) Do not fear: why, then, have you deemed yourself secure and happy?
سالها ابلیس نیکو نام زیست
گشت رسوا بین که او را نام چیست
For years Iblís lived in good renown; (afterwards) he was disgraced: mark what is (the meaning of) his name.
در جهان معروف بد علیای او
گشت معروفی بعکس ای وای او
His eminence was famed throughout the (celestial) world; (then) his fame turned to infamy—oh, alas for him!
تا نه ای ایمن تو معروفی مجو
رو بشو از خوف پس بنمای رو
Do not seek fame till you are secure: wash your face of fear, then show your face.
تا نروید ریش تو ای خوب من
بر دگر ساده ز نخ طعنه مزن
Until your (own) beard grows, my good man, do not jeer at another whose chin is smooth.
این نگر که مبتلا شد جان او
در چهی افتاد تا شد پند تو
Consider this, that his (Satan’s) soul was tried (by the wrath of God), he fell into a pit (of perdition) so that he became a warning to you.
تو نیفتادی که باشی پند او
زهر او نوشید تو خور قند او
You did not fall, so that you should be a warning to him. He drank the poison: eat you his sugar!
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