The meeting of the king with the saint

The meeting of the king with the saint whose coming had been shown to him in a dream. ملاقات پادشاه با آن ولی که در خوابش نمودند

دست بگشاد و کنارانش گرفت
همچو عشق اندر دل و جانش گرفت
He (the king) opened his hands and clasped him to his breast and received him, like love, into his heart and soul,
دست و پیشانیش بوسیدن گرفت
وز مقام و راه پرسیدن گرفت
And began to kiss his hand and brow and inquire concerning his home and journey.
پرس پرسان می‌کشیدش تا بصدر
گفت گنجی یافتم آخر بصبر
(So) with many a question he led him to the dais. “At last,” said he, “I have found a treasure by being patient.”

گفت ای نور حق و دفع حرج
معنی‌الصبر مفتاح الفرج
He said (also), “O light of God and defence against trouble, (O thou who art) the meaning of ‘Patience is the key of joy’!
ای لقای تو جواب هر سئوال
مشکل از تو حل شود بی‌قیل و قال
O thou whose countenance is the answer to every question, by thee hard knots are loosed without discussion.
ترجمانی هرچه ما را در دلست
دستگیری هر که پایش در گلست
Thou interpretest all that is in our hearts, thou givest a helping hand to every one whose foot is in the mire.
مرحبا یا مجتبی یا مرتضی
ان تغب جاء القضا ضاق الفضا
Welcome, O chosen one, O approved one! If thou vanish, Destiny will come (upon us) and the wide room will be straitened.
انت مولی‌القوم من لا یشتهی
قد ردی کلا لئن لم ینته
Thou art the protector of the people. He that desires (thee) not hath gone to perdition. Nay, verily, if he do not refrain”
چون گذشت آن مجلس و خوان کرم
دست او بگرفت و برد اندر حرم
When that meeting and bounteous (spiritual) repast was over, he took his hand and conducted him to the harem.


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