Story of the poet

Story of the poet and how the king gave him a reward and how the vizier, whose name was Bu ’l-Hasan, made it many times greater. قصه‌ی شاعر و صله دادن شاه و مضاعف کردن آن وزیر بوالحسن نام

شاعری آورد شعری پیش شاه
بر امید خلعت و اکرام و جاه
A poet brought a poem before the king in hope of (receiving) robes of honour and bounty and rank.
شاه مکرم بود فرمودش هزار
از زر سرخ و کرامات و نثار
The king was munificent: he ordered him (to receive) a thousand (dinars) of red gold and bounties and largesse.
پس وزیرش گفت کین اندک بود
ده هزارش هدیه وا ده تا رود
Then the vizier said to him, “This is (too) little: bestow (on him) a gift of ten thousand (dinars), that he may depart (satisfied).
از چنو شاعر نس از تو بحردست
ده هزاری که بگفتم اندکست
From a poet like him intellect (displays itself); from thee, whose hand is like the ocean (in bounty), the (sum of) ten thousand (dinars) which I mentioned is little.”
فقه گفت آن شاه را و فلسفه
تا برآمد عشر خرمن از کفه
He argued and reasoned with the king until the tithe on the threshed grain was made up out of the unthreshed ears of corn (which remain on the threshing-floor).
ده هزارش داد و خلعت درخورش
خانه‌ی شکر و ثنا گشت آن سرش
He (the king) gave him the ten thousand (dinars) and the robes of honour suitable to him: his head became a house of thanksgiving and praise.
پس تفحص کرد کین سعی کی بود
شاه را اهلیت من کی نمود
Then he made inquiry, saying, “Whose work was this? Who declared my merit to the king?”
پس بگفتندش فلان‌الدین وزیر
آن حسن نام و حسن خلق و ضمیر
So they told him, “(It was) al-Dín, the vizier, he whose name is Hasan and whose disposition and heart are good (hasan).”
در ثنای او یکی شعری دراز
بر نبشت و سوی خانه رفت باز
He wrote a long poem in praise of him (the vizier) and returned home.
بی‌زبان و لب همان نعمای شاه
مدح شه می‌کرد و خلعتهای شاه
Without tongue or lip (mutely) that bounty of the king was praising the king and the gifts of honour bestowed by him.




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