Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی
There once was a monarch of pomp and renown, Whose “sun” to the mountain desired to go down. | یکی سلطنت ران صاحب شکوه فرو خواست رفت آفتابش به کوه |
He abandoned his realm to a saint of that place, For no living successor was left of his race. | به شیخی در آن بقعه کشور گذاشت که در دوده قایم مقامی نداشت |
When the holy recluse heard the big drum of state, He cared not again in retirement to wait. | چو خلوت نشین کوس دولت شنید دگر ذوق در کنج خلوت ندید |
He began to manoeuvre his troops left and right; The hearts of brave men were alarmed at the sight | چپ و راست لشکر کشیدن گرفت دل پردلان زو رمیدن گرفت |
So strong grew his arm and so brave had he got, That with war-seeking people encounter he sought. | چنان سخت بازو شد و تیز چنگ که با جنگجویان طلب کرد جنگ |
Of the foe, disunited, a number he killed. The remainder assembled, with one spirit filled. | ز قوم پراگنده خلقی بکشت دگر جمع گشتند و هم رای و پشت |
They circled him round in a fortress so tight, That the raining of arrows and stones cowed him quite. | چنان در حصارش کشیدند تنگ که عاجز شد از تیرباران و سنگ |
To an eminent saint he made some one repair; Saying, “I am distressed! oh reliever of care, | بر نیکمردی فرستاد کس که صعبم فرومانده، فریاد رس |
With your prayers assist! for the arrow and sword, Do not always, in battle, assistance afford.” | به همت مدد کن که شمشیر و تیر نه در هر وغایی بود دستگیر |
When the worshipper heard this, he smiled, and then said “Why did he not sleep on a half loaf of bread? | چو بشنید عابد بخندید و گفت چرا نیم نانی نخورد و نخفت؟ |
Karuti the wealth-worshipper, was not aware, That the treasure of peace hugs the corner of pray’r.” | ندانست قارون نعمت پرست که گنج سلامت به کنج اندرست |
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