Story OF THE PILGRIM TO MECCA حکایت زائر مکه

Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی

I have heard that a man did to Mecca repair,
And made, at each step, two prostrations in pray’r.
So zealous a walker in God’s path, to boot,
That he plucked not th’ Acacia thorn from his foot
  شنیدم که پیری به راه حجاز
به هر خطوه کردی دو رکعت نماز
چنان گرم رو در طریق خدای
که خار مغیلان نکندی ز پای
At last, by a conscience deluded inspired,
His own foolish doings he greatly admired.
By the Devil deceiving, he walked to a pit,
For he could not discover a pathway more fit.  
  به آخر ز وسواس خاطر پریش
پسند آمدش در نظر کار خویش
به تلبیس ابلیس در چاه رفت
که نتوان از این خوب تر راه رفت
If he had not been found by the mercy of God,
His pride would have made his head swerve from the road.
In this manner, a voice from above, him addressed :—
“Oh man of good fortune ! whose nature is blessed !  
  گرش رحمت حق نه دریافتی
غرورش سر از جاده برتافتی
یکی هاتف از غیبش آواز داد
که ای نیکبخت مبارک نهاد
Do not think that because you have worshipped so fine,
You have carried a gift to this Presence Divine !
To soothe by a kindness one heart has more grace,
Than a thousand prostrations at. each halting place.”  
  مپندار اگر طاعتی کرده‌ای
که نزلی بدین حضرت آورده‌ای
به احسانی آسوده کردن دلی
به از الف رکعت به هر منزلی


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