Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی
A number of eloquent men hold this view: “That Hafan is deaf, don’t believe to be true! “ One morning a buzzing arose from a fly, That had stuck to the web of a spider near by. | گروهی برآنند از اهل سخن که حاتم اصم بود، باور مکن برآمد طنین مگس بامداد که در چنبر عنکبوتی فتاد |
His weakness and silence were only a ruse; The fly thought him candy and fell to his noose. In order to profit, the chief took a view, Saying, “Captive through avarice, patience pursue! | همه ضعف و خاموشیش کید بود مگس قند پنداشتش قید بود نگه کرد شیخ از سر اعتبار که ای پای بند طمع پای دار |
Sugar, honey and candy are not ev’rywhere; For in corners lie hidden the hunter and snare.” Of that circle of people of wisdom, one said: “Oh man of the road of the Lord! I’m misled. | نه هر جا شکر باشد و شهد و قند که در گوشهها دامیارست و بند یکی گفت از آن حلقه اهل رای عجب دارم ای مرد راه خدای |
How came you the fly’s gentle buzzing to hear, That only quite faintly arrived at our ear? Since the buz of a fly was detected by you, Henceforth, to be calling you deaf, will not do! “ | مگس را تو چون فهم کردی خروش که مار را به دشواری آمد به گوش؟ تو آگاه گشتی به بانگ مگس نشاید اصم خواندنت زین سپس |
He replied to him, smiling; ” Oh thou with mind clear! To be deaf is far better than nonsense to hear. The men who around me as confidants stay, Conceal all my faults and my merits display. | تبسم کنان گفت ای تیز هوش اصم به که گفتار باطل نیوش کسانی که با ما به خلوت درند مرا عیب پوش و ثنا گسترند |
Since over my vices a curtain they stretch, It debases my life, and pride makes me a wretch. That my hearing is faulty, I state as a blind, In the hope that from worry release I may find. | چو پوشیده دارند اخلاق دون کند هستیم زیر، طبع زبون فرا مینمایم که مینشنوم مگر کز تکلف مبرا شوم |
When those seated around me consider me mad, They tell what exists of my good and my bad. If hearing of sin brings no pleasure to me, From deeds that are evil, I keep my skirt free.” | چو کالیو دانندم اهل نشست بگویند نیک و بدم هر چه هست اگر بد شنیدن نیاید خوشم ز کردار بد دامن اندر کشم |
With flattery’s rope, down a well do not go! Like Hatim be deaf, and your shortcomings know! | به حبل ستایش فراچه مشو چو حاتم اصم باش و عیبت شنو |
He for happiness searched not, nor safety acquired, Who from treasuring Sddfs discourses, retired. To a better adviser than he you must go! What may happen you after he dies, I don’t know! |
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