Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی
Do you know of the wonders from Basra I brought? Far sweeter than dates, some remarks I have got. A few of us, decked in the garb of the true, Passed a district where dates in luxuriance grew. | چه آوردم از بصره دانی عجب حدیثی که شیرین ترست از رطب تنی چند در خرقه راستان گذشتیم بر طرف خرماستان |
The stomach of one of our number was great; A glutton he was, from the bushels’ he ate. The poor creature got ready and climbed up a tree, And down again heavily, headlong, fell he. | یکی در میان معده انبار بود از این تنگ چشمی شکم خوار بود میان بست مسکین و شد بر درخت وزان جا به گردن در افتاد سخت |
The village chief coming, “Who killed him? ” he cried; “Do not shout at us harshly like that! ” I replied; “His stomach neath’s skirt dragged him down from a branch; Narrow-minded is he who is spacious in paunch.” | رئیس ده آمد که این را که کشت؟ بگفتم مزن بانگ بر ما درشت شکم دامن اندر کشیدش ز شاخ بود تنگدل رودگانی فراخ |
One cannot eat dates, aye, and bear them away; The glutton, ill-starred, ate and lifeless he lay. The hand’s bonds, is the stomach, and chain of the feet; A stomach’s slave pious, you rarely will meet. | نه هر بار خرما توان خورد و برد لت انبار بد عاقبت خورد و مرد شکم بند دست است و زنجیر پای شکم بنده نادر پرستد خدای |
The locust’s all stomach and therefore, no doubt, The small-bellied ant, by the leg pulls it out. | سراسر شکم شد ملخ لاجرم به پایش کشد مور کوچک شکم |
Depart and an inside of pureness acquire! The stomach can never be filled, but with mire. |
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by: Reza about (category: Bustan Saadi)
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