Conclusion of the (story concerning the) trust of that deluded man in the fawningness of the bear. تتمه اعتماد آن مغرور بر تملق خرس
شخص خفت و خرس میراندش مگس
وز ستیز آمد مگس زو باز پس
The man fell asleep, and the bear kept driving away the flies (which were) on him, but in spite of him they soon came back again.
چند بارش راند از روی جوان
آن مگس زو باز میآمد دوان
Several times he drove them from the youth’s face, but soon they came hurrying back once more.
خشمگین شد با مگس خرس و برفت
بر گرفت از کوه سنگی سخت زفت
The bear was enraged with the flies and went off. He picked up a very big stone from the mountain-side.
سنگ آورد و مگس را دید باز
بر رخ خفته گرفته جای ساز
He fetched the stone, and saw the flies again settled comfortably on the face of the sleeper.
بر گرفت آن آسیا سنگ و بزد
بر مگس تا آن مگس واپس خزد
He took up that millstone and struck at the flies, in order that they might retire.
سنگ روی خفته را خشخاش کرد
این مثل بر جمله عالم فاش کرد
The stone made powder of the sleeping man’s face, and published to the whole world this adage.
مهر ابله مهر خرس آمد یقین
کین او مهر است و مهر اوست کین
“The love of a fool is for sure the love of a bear: his hate is love and his love is hate.”
عهد او سست است و ویران و ضعیف
گفت او زفت و وفای او نحیف
His promise is infirm and corrupt and feeble; his word stout and his performance lean.
گر خورد سوگند هم باور مکن
بشکند سوگند، مرد کژ سخن
Do not believe him, even if he take an oath: the man whose speech is false will break his oath.
چون که بیسوگند گفتش بد دروغ
تو میفت از مکر و سوگندش به دوغ
Inasmuch as, without the oath, his word was a lie, do not be entrapped by his deceit and oath.
نفس او میر است و عقل او اسیر
صد هزاران مصحفش خود خوردهگیر
His fleshly soul is in command, and his intellect captive; even suppose that he has sworn on a hundred thousand Qur’áns,
چون که بیسوگند پیمان بشکند
گر خورد سوگند هم آن بشکند
(Yet), since without (taking) an oath he will break his pact- if he take an oath, he will break that too;
ز آن که نفس آشفتهتر گردد از آن
که کنی بندش به سوگند گران
Because the fleshly soul becomes (all) the more infuriated by your binding it with a heavy oath.
چون اسیری بند بر حاکم نهد
حاکم آن را بر درد بیرون جهد
When a captive puts bonds upon a governor, the governor will burst them and leap out;
بر سرش کوبد ز خشم آن بند را
میزند بر روی او سوگند را
He will bang those bonds on his (the captive’s) head in wrath, dashing the oath in his face.
تو ز اوفوا بالعقودش دست شو
احفظوا أیمانکم با او مگو
Wash your hands (give up hope) of his (obeying the Divine command), “Fulfil your promises”; do not say to him, “Keep your oaths.”
و آن که حق را ساخت در پیمان سند
تن کند چون تار و گرد او تند
But he that makes God his support in (keeping) his promise will make his body (thin) as a thread and wind (himself) about Him.
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