How the ambassador of Rúm saluted the Commander of the Faithful, may God be well pleased with him سلام کردن رسول روم بر عمر
کرد خدمت مر عمر را و سلام
گفت پیغمبر سلام آن گه کلام
He did homage to ‘Umar and salaamed: the Prophet said, “(First) the salaam, then the talk.”
پس علیکش گفت و او را پیش خواند
ایمنش کرد و به پیش خود نشاند
Then he (‘Umar) said, “To thee (greeting),” called him (to come) forward, reassured him, and bade him sit down by his side.
لا تخافوا هست نزل خایفان
هست در خور از برای خایف آن
Fear ye not is the hospitality offered to those who fear: that is proper (entertainment) for one who is afraid.
هر که ترسد مر و را ایمن کنند
مر دل ترسنده را ساکن کنند
When any one is afraid, they make him (feel) secure; they soothe (his) fearful heart.
آن که خوفش نیست چون گویی مترس
درس چه دهی نیست او محتاج درس
How should you say “Fear not” to one who has no fear? Why give lessons (to him)? He needs no lessons.
آن دل از جا رفته را دل شاد کرد
خاطر ویرانش را آباد کرد
He (‘Umar) made that disturbed mind (be) of good cheer and made his desolate heart (be) flourishing (happy).
بعد از آن گفتش سخنهای دقیق
وز صفات پاک حق نعم الرفیق
Afterwards he addressed to him subtle discourses and (spoke) of the holy attributes of God how good a Friend is He!
وز نوازشهای حق ابدال را
تا بداند او مقام و حال را
And of the loving kindnesses of God to the Abdál (saints), in order that he (the ambassador) might know (the meaning of) maqám (permanent station) and hál (passing state).
حال چون جلوه ست ز آن زیبا عروس
وین مقام آن خلوت آمد با عروس
The hál is like the unveiling of that beauteous bride, while the maqám is the (king’s) being alone with the bride.
جلوه بیند شاه و غیر شاه نیز
وقت خلوت نیست جز شاه عزیز
The unveiling is witnessed by the king and by others as well, (but) at the time of being alone (with the bride) there is no one except the mighty king.
جلوه کرده خاص و عامان را عروس
خلوت اندر شاه باشد با عروس
The bride unveils before nobles and commons (alike); in the bridal chamber the king is (alone) with the bride.
هست بسیار اهل حال از صوفیان
نادر است اهل مقام اندر میان
There is many a one of the Súfís who enjoys hál, (but) he that has attained to maqám is rare amongst them.
از منازلهای جانش یاد داد
وز سفرهای روانش یاد داد
He (‘Umar) reminded him of the stages traversed by the soul, and he reminded him of the journeys of the spirit,
وز زمانی کز زمان خالی بده ست
وز مقام قدس که اجلالی بده ست
And of the Time which has (ever) been void of time, and of the Station of Holiness which has (ever) been majestical,
وز هوایی کاندر او سیمرغ روح
پیش از این دیده ست پرواز و فتوح
And of the atmosphere wherein the Símurgh of the spirit, before this (material life), has flown and experienced (the bounty of Divine) grace,
هر یکی پروازش از آفاق بیش
وز امید و نهمت مشتاق بیش
Every single flight thereof (being) greater than the horizons (of this world) and greater than the hope and greed of the longing lover.
چون عمر اغیار رو را یار یافت
جان او را طالب اسرار یافت
When ‘Umar found the stranger in appearance a friend (in reality), he found (that) his soul (was) seeking (to learn) the (Divine) mysteries.
شیخ کامل بود و طالب مشتهی
مرد چابک بود و مرکب درگهی
The Shaykh (‘Umar) was adept and the disciple (the ambassador) eager: the man (rider) was quick (dexterous) and the beast belonged to the royal court (was nobly bred and docile).
دید آن مرشد که او ارشاد داشت
تخم پاک اندر زمین پاک کاشت
That spiritual guide (‘Umar) perceived that he (the ambassador) possessed (the capacity for receiving) guidance: he sowed the good seed in the good soil.
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