How the Amírs of the Arabs wrangled with Mustafá

How the Amírs of the Arabs wrangled with Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, saying, “Share the kingdom with us, in order that there may be no contention”; and how Mustafá, on whom be peace, answered and said, “I am commanded (by God) in respect of this Amírate”; and the arguments on both sides. منازعت امیران عرب با مصطفی علیه‌السلام کی ملک را مقاسمت کن با ما تا نزاعی نباشد و جواب فرمودن مصطفی علیه‌السلام کی من مامورم درین امارت و بحث ایشان از طرفین

آن امیران عرب گرد آمدند
نزد پیغامبر منازع می‌شدند
The Amírs of the Arabs assembled and began to wrangle in the Prophet’s presence,
که تو میری هر یک از ما هم امیر
بخش کن این ملک و بخش خود بگیر
Saying, “Thou art an Amír; every one of us is an Amír likewise: distribute this kingdom and take thy share.
هر یکی در بخش خود انصاف‌جو
تو ز بخش ما دو دست خود بشو
Each (of us) is seeking equity in regard to his share: do thou wash thy hands of our share.”
گفت میری مر مرا حق داده است
سروری و امر مطلق داده است
He replied, “God hath given the Amírate to me: He hath given me the chief authority and the absolute command, 
کین قران احمدست و دور او
هین بگیرید امر او را اتقوا
Saying, ‘This is the epoch and cycle of Ahmad (Mohammed): hark, accept his command! Have fear (of God)!’”
قوم گفتندش که ما هم زان قضا
حاکمیم و داد امیریمان خدا
The party (of Amírs) said to him, “We too are (made) rulers by that (Divine) destiny, and God hath given the Amírate to us.”
گفت لیکن مر مرا حق ملک داد
مر شما را عاریه از بهر زاد
He said, “(Yes), but to me God gave it as a possession, and to you (only) as a loan for the sake of (furnishing you with) provisions for the road.
میری من تا قیامت باقیست
میری عاریتی خواهد شکست
My Amírate is lasting till the Resurrection; the Amírate held on loan will be shattered.”
قوم گفتند ای امیر افزون مگو
چیست حجت بر فزون‌جویی تو
The (opposing) party said, “O Amír, do not say too much (about this): what is thy argument for seeking more (than thy share)?”
در زمان ابری برآمد ز امر مر
سیل آمد گشت آن اطراف پر
Forthwith, by the bitter command (of God), a cloud arose; (then) came the torrent: the countryside was filled (with the flood).
رو به شهر آورد سیل بس مهیب
اهل شهر افغان‌کنان جمله رعیب
The exceedingly frightful torrent set its face towards the town: the townsfolk (were) making loud lamentation, all (were) terrified.
گفت پیغامبر که وقت امتحان
آمد اکنون تا گمارد گردد عیان
The Prophet said, “Now the time is come for the test, in order that opinion may become ocular vision.”
هر امیری نیزه‌ی خود در فکند
تا شود در امتحان آن سیل‌بند
Each Amír flung his lance (into the flood), that in the test it might become a barrier against the torrent.
پس قضیب انداخت در وی مصطفی
آن قضیب معجز فرمان روا
Then Mustafá (Mohammed) cast his wand upon it that sovereign wand that reduced (his foes) to helplessness.
نیزه‌ها را هم‌چو خاشاکی ربود
آب تیز سیل پرجوش عنود
The rapid water of the boiling tameless torrent swept away the lances like a bit of straw.
نیزه‌ها گم گشت جمله و آن قضیب
بر سر آب ایستاده چون رقیب
All the lances disappeared, while that wand stood on the surface of the water like a sentry.
ز اهتمام آن قضیب آن سیل زفت
روبگردانید و آن سیلاب رفت
From anxious regard for that wand the mighty torrent turned its face away, and the flood-water departed.
چون بدیدند از وی آن امر عظیم
پس مقر گشتند آن میران ز بیم
When they beheld that great matter wrought by him, those Amírs, (overcome) by dread, confessed.
جز سه کس که حقد ایشان چیره بود
ساحرش گفتند و کاهی از جحود
Save three persons, whose rancour was prevailing: they, from disbelief, called him a magician and soothsayer.
ملک بر بسته چنان باشد ضعیف
ملک بر رسته چنین باشد شریف
The kingship that has been tied on (artificially) is weak like that; the kingship that has grown up (naturally) is august like this.
نیزه‌ها را گر ندیدی با قضیب
نامشان بین نام او بین این نجیب
If thou didst not see the lances together with the wand, (yet) consider the names of them (the Amírs) and consider the name of him (Mohammed), O noble one!
نامشان را سیل تیز مرگ برد
نام او و دولت تیزش نمرد
Their names the rapid torrent of death has borne away; his name and his puissant fortune are not dead.
پنج نوبت می‌زنندش بر دوام
هم‌چنین هر روز تا روز قیام
For him the drum is always beaten five times (daily): on this wise every day till the Day of Resurrection.
گر ترا عقلست کردم لطفها
ور خری آورده‌ام خر را عصا
“If thou hast intelligence, (thou wilt see that) I have done kindnesses; and if thou art an ass, I have brought the rod for the ass.
آنچنان زین آخرت بیرون کنم
کز عصا گوش و سرت پر خون کنم
I will turn thee out of this stable in such wise that I will make thy ears and head bloody with (blows of) the rod.
اندرین آخر خران و مردمان
می‌نیابند از جفای تو امان
In this stable asses and men are getting no quarter from thy oppression.
نک عصا آورده‌ام بهر ادب
هر خری را کو نباشد مستحب
Lo, I have brought the rod, for correction’s sake, for every ass that is not approved.
اژدهایی می‌شود در قهر تو
که اژدهایی گشته‌ای در فعل و خو
It will become a dragon in subduing thee, for thou hast become a dragon in (thy) deeds and disposition.
اژدهای کوهیی تو بی‌امان
لیک بنگر اژدهای آسمان
Thou art a mountain-dragon without mercy; but look at the dragon of Heaven!
این عصا از دوزخ آمد چاشنی
که هلا بگریز اندر روشنی
This rod comes as a taste (sample) from Hell, saying, ‘Ho! take refuge in the Light;
ورنه در مانی تو در دندان من
مخلصت نبود ز در بندان من
Else thou wilt be left helpless in my teeth: there will be no escape for thee through my passes.’
این عصایی بود این دم اژدهاست
تا نگویی دوزخ یزدان کجاست
This was a rod; it is now a dragon, to the end that thou mayst not say, ‘Where is God’s Hell?’”




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