How the Bedouin bade his wife

How the Bedouin bade his wife be patient and declared to her the excellence of poverty صبر فرمودن اعرابی زن خود را و فضیلت صبر و فقر بیان کردن با زن‌‌

شوی گفتش چند جویی دخل و کشت
خود چه ماند از عمر افزون‌‌تر گذشت‌‌
Her husband said to her, “How long wilt thou seek income and seed-produce? What indeed is left of (our) life? Most (of it) is past.
عاقل اندر بیش و نقصان ننگرد
ز آن که هر دو همچو سیلی بگذرد
The sensible man does not look at increase or deficiency, because both (these) will pass by like a torrent.
خواه صاف و خواه سیل تیره رو
چون نمی‌‌پاید دمی از وی مگو
Whether it (life) be pure (clear and untroubled) or whether it be a turbid flood, do not speak of it, since it is not enduring for a moment.
اندر این عالم هزاران جانور
می‌‌زید خوش عیش بی‌‌زیر و زبر
In this world thousands of animals are living happily, without up and down (anxiety).
شکر می‌‌گوید خدا را فاخته
بر درخت و برگ شب ناساخته‌‌
The dove on the tree is uttering thanks to God, though her food for the night is not (yet) ready.
حمد می‌‌گوید خدا را عندلیب
کاعتماد رزق بر تست ای مجیب‌‌
The nightingale is singing glory to God (and saying), ‘I rely on Thee for my daily bread, O Thou who answerest (prayer).’
باز دست شاه را کرده نوید
از همه مردار ببریده امید
The falcon has made the king’s hand his joy (the place in which he takes delight), and has given up hope of (has become indifferent to) all carrion.
همچنین از پشه‌‌گیری تا به پیل
شد عیال الله و حق نعم المعیل‌‌
Similarly you may take (every animal) from the gnat to the elephant: they all have become God’s family (dependent on Him for their nourishment), and what an excellent nourisher is God!
این همه غمها که اندر سینه‌‌هاست
از بخار و گرد بود و باد ماست‌‌
All these griefs that are within our breasts arise from the vapour and dust of our existence and wind (vain desire).
این غمان بیخ کن چون داس ماست
این چنین شد و آن چنان وسواس ماست‌‌
These uprooting griefs are as a scythe to us: (to think that) this is such and such or that that is such and such is a temptation (of the Devil) to us.
دان که هر رنجی ز مردن پاره‌‌ای است
جزو مرگ از خود بران گر چاره‌‌ای است‌‌
Know that every pain is a piece of Death: expel (that) part of Death from thee, if there be a means (of doing so).
چون ز جزو مرگ نتوانی گریخت
دان که کلش بر سرت خواهند ریخت‌‌
When thou canst not flee from the part of Death, know that the whole of it will be poured upon thy head.
جزو مرگ ار گشت شیرین مر ترا
دان که شیرین می‌‌کند کل را خدا
If the part of Death has become sweet to thee, know that God will make the whole sweet.
دردها از مرگ می‌‌آید رسول
از رسولش رو مگردان ای فضول‌‌
Pains are coming from Death as (his) messengers: do not avert thy face from his messenger, O foolish one!
هر که شیرین می‌‌زید او تلخ مرد
هر که او تن را پرستد جان نبرد
Whoever lives sweetly (pleasantly) dies bitterly (painfully): whoever serves his body does not save his soul.
گوسفندان را ز صحرا می‌‌کشند
آن که فربه تر مر آن را می‌‌کشند
Sheep are driven from the plains (to the town): they kill those that are fattest.
شب گذشت و صبح آمد ای تمر
چند گیری این فسانه‌‌ی زر ز سر
The night is past and dawn is come. O Tamar, how long wilt thou take up (again) this tale of gold from the beginning?
تو جوان بودی و قانع‌‌تر بدی
زر طلب گشتی خود اول زر بدی‌‌
Thou wert young (once), and (then) thou wert more contented: (now) thou hast become a seeker of gold, (but) at first thou wert gold indeed (precious and perfect).
رز بدی پر میوه چون کاسد شدی
وقت میوه پختنت فاسد شدی‌‌
Thou wert a fruitful vine: how hast thou become unsaleable (worthless)? How hast thou become rotten when thy fruit is ripening?
میوه‌‌ات باید که شیرین‌‌تر شود
چون رسن تابان نه واپس‌‌تر رود
Thy fruit ought to become sweeter and not move farther backwards like rope-makers.
جفت مایی جفت باید هم صفت
تا بر آید کارها با مصلحت‌‌
Thou art my wife: the wife must be of the same quality (as the husband) in order that things may go rightly.
جفت باید بر مثال همدگر
در دو جفت کفش و موزه در نگر
The married pair must match one another: look at a pair of shoes or boots.
گر یکی کفش از دو تنگ آید بپا
هر دو جفتش کار ناید مر ترا
If one of the shoes is too tight for the foot, the pair of them is of no use to thee.
جفت در یک خرد و آن دیگر بزرگ
جفت شیر بیشه دیدی هیچ گرگ‌‌
Hast thou ever seen one leaf of a (folding) door small and the other large, or a wolf mated with the lion of the jungle?
راست ناید بر شتر جفت جوال
آن یکی خالی و این پر مال مال‌‌
A pair of sacks on a camel do not balance properly when one is empty and one full to the brim.
من روم سوی قناعت دل قوی
تو چرا سوی شناعت می‌‌روی‌‌
I march with stout heart towards contentment: why art thou betaking thyself to revilement?”
مرد قانع از سر اخلاص و سوز
زین نسق می‌‌گفت با زن تا به روز
In this fashion the contented man, moved by sincerity and ardour, was talking to his wife till daybreak.




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