How the disciple turned back from the Shaykh’s house and questioned the people (in the neighbourhood), and how they directed him, saying, “The Shaykh has gone to such and such a forest.” واگشتن مرید از وثاق شیخ و پرسیدن از مردم و نشان دادن ایشان کی شیخ به فلان بیشه رفته است
بعد از آن پرسان شد او از هر کسی شیخ را میجست از هر سو بسی
Afterwards he began to inquire of every one and sought the Shaykh for a long while in every quarter.
پس کسی گفتش که آن قطب دیار رفت تا هیزم کشد از کوهسار
Then (at last) somebody said to him, “That Qutb (Pivot) of the world has gone to fetch faggots from the hilly country.”
آن مرید ذوالفقاراندیش تفت در هوای شیخ سوی بیشه رفت
The disciple, whose thoughts were (like) Dhu ’l-faqár (a sharp sword), ran quickly to the forest in eager desire for the Shaykh.
دیو میآورد پیش هوش مرد وسوسه تا خفیه گردد مه ز گرد
(But) the Devil was introducing to the (young) man’s mind an evil suggestion, in order that the (spiritual) Moon might be concealed by dust,
کین چنین زن را چرا این شیخ دین دارد اندر خانه یار و همنشین
Namely, “Why should this Shaykh of the (true) religion keep in his house a woman like this as his mate and companion?
ضد را با ضد ایناس از کجا با امامالناس نسناس از کجا
Whence (this) familiarity between opposite and opposite? Whence (comes it that) a nasnás (anthropoid ape) is (associated) with the Imám of mankind?”
باز او لاحول میکرد آتشین که اعتراض من برو کفرست و کین
Then again he was exclaiming fervidly, “God help me! My impugning him (the Shaykh) is infidelity and enmity.
من کی باشم با تصرفهای حق که بر آرد نفس من اشکال و دق
Who am I, in view of God’s exercising (absolute) control (over everything he does), that my carnal soul should raise difficulties and objections?”
باز نفسش حمله میآورد زود زین تعرف در دلش چون کاه دود
But soon his carnal soul was returning to the attack (for) in consequence of this acquaintance (there was) smoke in his straw-like heart.
که چه نسبت دیو را با جبرئیل که بود با او به صحبت هم مقیل
Saying, “What affinity has (this woman like) the Devil with (a saint like) Gabriel, that she should be his bedfellow in (connubial) intercourse?
چون تواند ساخت با آزر خلیل چون تواند ساخت با رهزن دلیل
How can Khalíl (Abraham) agree with Ázar? How can a guide agree with a brigand?”
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi, Persian Poetry)
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