How the mothers of the boys went

How the mothers of the boys went to visit the sick master. رفتن مادران کودکان به عیادت اوستاد

بامدادان آمدند آن مادران خفته استا همچو بیمار گران
At morning those mothers came; (they found) the master in bed like one who is gravely ill,
هم عرق کرده ز بسیاری لحاف سر ببسته رو کشیده در سجاف
Perspiring on account of the great number of coverlets, his head bandaged and his face enveloped in the quilt.
آه آهی می‌کند آهسته او جملگان گشتند هم لا حول‌گو
He was moaning softly: they too all began to cry “Lá hawl.”
خیر باشد اوستاد این درد سر جان تو ما را نبودست زین خبر
They said, “Master, we hope all will be well. This headache by thy soul, we were not aware of it.”
گفت من هم بی‌خبر بودم ازین آگهم مادر غران کردند هین
He replied, “I also was not aware of it; the whoresons (the scoundrelly boys) made me aware (of it), mark you.
من بدم غافل بشغل قال و قیل بود در باطن چنین رنجی ثقیل
I did not notice (it), through being busy with discourse (teaching), (but) within (me) there was such a severe malady.”
چون بجد مشغول باشد آدمی او ز دید رنج خود باشد عمی
When a man is busy in earnest, he is blind to the sight of (unconscious of) his pain.
از زنان مصر یوسف شد سمر که ز مشغولی بشد زیشان خبر
Joseph became (the hero of) an oft-told tale because the women of Egypt who lost consciousness in their pre-occupation (with the beauty of Joseph).
پاره پاره کرده ساعدهای خویش روح واله که نه پس بیند نه پیش
(Hence) they cut their fore-arms to pieces: (in such a case) the spirit is distraught, so that it looks neither behind nor before.
ای بسا مرد شجاع اندر حراب که ببرد دست یا پایش ضراب
Oh, many a brave man in battle whose hand or foot is cut by blows (of the sword),
او همان دست آورد در گیر و دار بر گمان آنک هست او بر قرار
And he bears that same hand into the combat, thinking that it remains firm (intact).
خود ببیند دست رفته در ضرر خون ازو بسیار رفته بی‌خبر
(Afterwards) indeed he will see that his hand has been injured (and that) much blood has gone from him unawares.




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