Story of the dervish

Story of the dervish to whom, whenever he begged anything from a certain house, he (the owner) used to say, “It is not (to be had here).” قصه‌ی درویشی کی از آن خانه هرچه می‌خواست می‌گفت نیست

سایلی آمد به سوی خانه‌ای خشک نانه خواست یا تر نانه‌ای
A beggar came to a house and asked for a piece of dry bread or a piece of moist (new) bread.
گفت صاحب‌خانه نان اینجا کجاست خیره‌ای کی این دکان نانباست
The owner of the house said, “Where is bread in this place? Are you crazy? How is this (house) a baker’s shop?”
گفت باری اندکی پیهم بیاب گفت آخر نیست دکان قصاب
“At least,” he begged, “get me a little bit of fat.” “Why,” said he, “it isn’t a butcher’s shop.”
گفت پاره‌ی آرد ده ای کدخدا گفت پنداری که هست این آسیا
He said, “O master of the house, give me a pittance of flour.” “Do you think this is a mill?” he replied.
گفت باری آب ده از مکرعه گفت آخر نیست جو یا مشرعه
“Well then,” said he, “give me some water from the reservoir.” “Why,” he replied, “it isn’t a river or a watering-place.”
هر چه او درخواست از نان یا سبوس چربکی می‌گفت و می‌کردش فسوس
Whatever he asked for, from bread to bran, he (the householder) was mocking and deriding him.
آن گدا در رفت و دامن بر کشید اندر آن خانه بحسبت خواست رید
The beggar went in and drew up his skirt: in ea domo voluit consulto cacare. [The beggar went in and drew up his skirt: he wanted to defecate deliberately inside the house.] 
گفت هی هی گفت تن زن ای دژم تا درین ویرانه خود فارغ کنم
He (the householder) cried, “Hey, hey!” “Be quiet, O morose man,” said he, “ut in hoc loco deserto alvum exonerem. [He (the householder) cried, “Hey, hey!” “Be quiet, O morose man,” said he, “so that I may relieve myself inside this desolate place.]
چون درینجا نیست وجه زیستن بر چنین خانه بباید ریستن
Since there is no means of living (zístan) here, upon a house like this cacare (rístan) oportet.” [Since there is no means of living (zístan) here, one should defecate (rístan) upon a house such as this.”]
چون نه‌ای بازی که گیری تو شکار دست آموز شکار شهریار
Since you are not a falcon, so as to (be able to) catch the prey, (a falcon) hand-trained for the King’s hunting;
نیستی طاوس با صد نقش بند که به نقشت چشمها روشن کنند
Nor a peacock painted with a hundred (beautiful) designs, so that (all) eyes should be illumined by the picture which you present;
هم نه‌ای طوطی که چون قندت دهند گوش سوی گفت شیرینت نهند
Nor a parrot, so that when sugar is given to you, (all) ears should bend to (listen to) your sweet talk;
هم نه‌ای بلبل که عاشق‌وار زار خوش بنالی در چمن یا لاله‌زار
Nor a nightingale to sing, like a lover, sweetly and plaintively in the meadow or the tulip-garden;
هم نه‌ای هدهد که پیکیها کنی نه چو لک‌لک که وطن بالا کنی
Nor a hoopoe to bring messages, nor are you like a stork to make your nest on high.
در چه کاری تو و بهر چت خرند تو چه مرغی و ترا با چه خورند
In what work are you (employed), and for what (purpose) are you bought? What (sort of) bird are you, and with what (digestive) are you eaten?
زین دکان با مکاسان برتر آ تا دکان فضل که الله اشتری
Mount beyond this shop of hagglers to the shop of Bounty whereGod is the purchaser.
کاله‌ای که هیچ خلقش ننگرید از خلاقت آن کریم آن را خرید
(There) that Gracious One hath purchased the piece of goods that no people would look at on account of its shabbiness.
هیچ قلبی پیش او مردود نیست زانک قصدش از خریدن سود نیست
With Him no base coin is rejected, for His object in buying is not (to make a) profit.




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