The cause of the emigration of (Ibráhím son of) Adham, may God sanctify his spirit, and his abandoning the kingdom of Khurásán. سبب هجرت ابراهیم ادهم قدس الله سره و ترک ملک خراسان
ملک برهم زن تو ادهموار زود
تا بیابی همچو او ملک خلود
Quickly dash to pieces the kingdom (of this world), like (Ibráhím son of) Adham, that like him thou mayst gain the kingdom of everlasting life.
خفته بود آن شه شبانه بر سریر
حارسان بر بام اندر دار و گیر
At night that king was asleep on his throne, (while) on the roof (of the palace) the guards were exercising authority.
قصد شه از حارسان آن هم نبود
که کند زان دفع دزدان و رنود
The king’s purpose in (having) the guards was not that he might thereby keep off robbers and ne’er-do-wells.
او همی دانست که آن کو عادلست
فارغست از واقعه آمن دلست
He knew that the man who is just is free from (fear of) attack and secure in his heart.
عدل باشد پاسبان گامها
نه به شب چوبکزنان بر بامها
Justice is the guardian of pleasures; not men who beat their rattles on the roofs at night.
لیک بد مقصودش از بانگ رباب
همچو مشتاقان خیال آن خطاب
But his object in (listening to) the sound of the rebeck was, like (that of) ardent lovers (of God), (to bring into his mind) the phantasy of that (Divine) allocution;
نالهی سرنا و تهدید دهل
چیزکی ماند بدان ناقور کل
(For) the shrill noise of the clarion and the menace of the drum somewhat resemble that universal trumpet.
پس حکیمان گفتهاند این لحنها
از دوار چرخ بگرفتیم ما
Hence philosophers have said that we received these harmonies from the revolution of the (celestial) sphere,
بانگ گردشهای چرخست این که خلق
میسرایندش به طنبور و به حلق
(And that) this (melody) which people sing with pandore and throat is the sound of the revolutions of the sphere;
ممنان گویند که آثار بهشت
نغز گردانید هر آواز زشت
(But) the true believers say that the influences of Paradise made every unpleasant sound to be beautiful.
ما همه اجزای آدم بودهایم
در بهشت آن لحنها بشنودهایم
We all have been parts of Adam, we have heard those melodies in Paradise.
گرچه بر ما ریخت آب و گل شکی
یادمان آمد از آنها چیزکی
Although the water and earth (of our bodies) have caused a doubt to fall upon us, something of those (melodies) comes (back) to our memory;
لیک چون آمیخت با خاک کرب
کی دهند این زیر و آن بم آن طرب
But since it is mingled with the earth of sorrow, how should this treble and bass give (us) the same delight?
آب چون آمیخت با بول و کمیز
گشت ز آمیزش مزاجش تلخ و تیز
When water is mingled with urine and stalings, its temperament is made bitter and acid by the commixture.
چیزکی از آب هستش در جسد
بول گیرش آتشی را میکشد
There is a small quantity of water in his (a man’s) body: suppose it is urine, (yet) it will extinguish a fire.
گر نجس شد آب این طبعش بماند
که آتش غم را به طبع خود نشاند
If the water has been defiled, (still) this natural property of it remains, for by its nature it allays the fire of grief.
پس غدای عاشقان آمد سماع
که درو باشد خیال اجتماع
Therefore samá‘ (music) is the food of lovers (of God), since therein is the phantasy of composure (tranquillity of mind).
قوتی گیرد خیالات ضمیر
بلک صورت گردد از بانگ و صفیر
From (hearing) sounds and pipings the mental phantasies gather a (great) strength; nay, they become forms (in the imagination).
آتش عشق از نواها گشت تیز
آن چنان که آتش آن جوزریز
The fire of love is made keen (inflamed) by melodies, just as the fire (ardour) of the man who dropped walnuts (into the water).
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi, Persian Poetry)
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