Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی
I have heard that a tender aged child kept a fast; With toil he held out till the morning repast. | شنیدم که نابالغی روزه داشت به صد محنت آورد روزی به چاشت |
The teacher removed him from school the same day, For it seemed to him grand that an infant should pray. | به کتابش آن روز سائق نبرد بزرگ آمدش طاعت از طفل خرد |
H is papa kissed his eyes and his mother his head; And over him, almonds and money they shed. | پدر دیده بوسید و مادر سرش فشاندند بادام و زر بر سرش |
When half of the day in this manner had passed, In his stomach the hot hunger pangs raised a blast.’ | چو بر وی گذر کرد یک نیمه روز فتاد اندر او ز آتش معده سوز |
He said in his heart, ” If some morsels I chew, My parents won’t know what in secret I do.” | بدل گفت اگر لقمه چندی خورم چه داند پدر غیب یا مادرم؟ |
As the boy for his father and tribe conscience showed, He feasted in private and fasted abroad. | چو روی پسر در پدر بود و قوم نهان خورد و پیدا بسر برد صوم |
Who knows that communion with God you don’t share, When without an ablution you stand to say pray’r? | که داند چو در بند حق نیستی اگر بی وضو در نماز ایستی؟ |
The old man is more foolish than that child can be, Who engages in worship, for people to see. | پس این پیر ازان طفل نادان ترست که از بهر مردم به طاعت درست |
That pray’r is the key of the portal of hell, Over which in men’s presence a long time you dwell. | کلید در دوزخ است آن نماز که در چشم مردم گزاری دراز |
If your path does not lead to the Maker alone, Your carpet for pray’r into Hell will be thrown! | اگر جز به حق میرود جادهات در آتش فشانند سجادهات |
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