Story OF A MISERLY SERVANT OF GOD حکایت بنده مخلص خدا

Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی

I heard that a pure-natured man, knowing God,
And walking His ways, had in Rum his abode.
I and some desert-traversing travellers, free,
Departed, resolved that the man we should see.
  شنیدم که مردی است پاکیزه بوم
شناسا و رهرو در اقصای روم
من و چند سالوک صحرا نورد
برفتیم قاصد به دیدار مرد
He kissed each one’s eyes, head and hands after that
With defrence and honour he placed us, and sat.
His servants and vines, stores and fields, I could see;
Like a tree without fruit, most ungen’rous was he.  
  سرو چشم هر یک ببوسید و دست
به تمکین و عزت نشاند و نشست
زرش دیدم و زرع و شاگرد و رخت
ولی بی مروت چوبی بر درخت
In politeness of manner, his warmth I’ll uphold;
But in other respects, he was bitterly cold.
In the night time, we neither could slumber nor rest, —
He, from telling his beads; we, by hunger oppressed.  
  به لطف و لبق گرم رو مرد بود
ولی دیگدانش عجب سرد بود
همه شب نبودش قرار هجوع
ز تسبیح و تهلیل و ما را ز جوع
He dressed in the morning and opened the door,
And repeated the fuss of the evening before.
A good-natured fellow, with wit at command,
Was a traveler, together with us, in that land. He dressed in the morning and opened the door,
And repeated the fuss of the evening before.
A good-natured fellow, with wit at command,
Was a traveler, together with us, in that land.  
  سحرگه میان بست و در باز کرد
همان لطف و پرسیدن آغاز کرد
یکی بد که شیرین و خوش طبع بود
که با ما مسافر در آن ربع بود
He said: “You’re mistaken, in giving a kiss!
For food to the needy would yield greater bliss.
Do not carry, in service, your head to my shoes!
Give me food! beat with slippers my head, if you choose!”  
  مرا بوسه گفتا به تصحیف ده
که درویش را توشه از بوسه به
به خدمت منه دست بر کفش من
مرا نان ده و کفش بر سر بزن
By alms-giving, people will others excel;
Not the dead-hearted men who on night vigils dwell.
The watchmen of Tartary showed me the sight;
Dead of heart, but wide open their eyes all the night.  
  به ایثار مردان سبق برده‌اند
نه شب زنده‌داران دل مرده‌اند
همین دیدم از پاسبان تتار
دل مرده وچشم شب زنده‌دار
From kindness and bread-giving, greatness will come;
And meaningless words are a big, empty drum.
At the Judgment, the man will in Paradise stay,
Who has searched for the truth cast pretension away.  
  کرامت جوانمردی و نان دهی است
مقالات بیهوده طبل تهی است
قیامت کسی بینی اندر بهشت
که معنی طلب کرد و دعوی بهشت
One can with reality make his claim just;
Mere talk, without acts, is a weak prop to trust.  
  به معنی توان کرد دعوی درست
دم بی قدم تکیه گاهی است سست


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