Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی
When Zulaikha became by the wine of love crazed, Her hand to the skirt of poor Joseph she raised. The demon of lust had encouraged so well, That, wolf-like, on Joseph she wantonly fell. | زلیخا چو گشت از می عشق مست به دامان یوسف درآویخت دست چنان دیو شهوت رضا داده بود که چون گرگ در یوسف افتاده بود |
Egypt’s lady an idol of marble possessed, Which to worship, both morning and night she professed; That moment, she covered its head and its face, To prevent it from seeing her act of disgrace! | بتی داشت بانوی مصر از رخام بر او معتکف بامدادان و شام در آن لحظه رویش بپوشید و سر مبادا که زشت آیدش در نظر |
Joseph sat in a corner, afflicted and grave, With a hand raised, himself from her ardour to save. Zulaikha kissed, fondly, his hands and his feet, Saying, “Fickle, and proud one! oh, come! I entreat! | غم آلوده یوسف به کنجی نشست به سر بر ز نفس ستمگاره دست زلیخا دو دستش ببوسید و پای که ای سست پیمان سرکش درآی |
With an anvil-like heart, be not frowning and coy! Do not think of distress, in the moment of joy!” From his eyes, like a stream, the tears flowed down his face, Saying, “Turn thou, and bid me not share thy disgrace! | به سندان دلی روی در هم مکش به تندی پریشان مکن وقت خوش روان گشتش از دیده بر چهره جوی که برگرد و ناپاکی از من مجوی |
In front of a stone you exhibited shame; In presence of God should not I do the same? What good from repentance comes under your sway, When Life’s stock-in-trade you have squandered away? | تو در روی سنگی شدی شرمناک مرا شرم باد از خداوند پاک چه سود از پشیمانی آید به کف چو سرمایه عمر کردی تلف؟ |
There are some who drink wine as it makes them feel glad; The after effect, is to make them feel sad! | شراب از پی سرخ رویی خورند وز او عاقبت زرد رویی برند |
With excuses, make known your requirements to-day For, to-morrow, the power of speech will not stay. | به عذرآوری خواهش امروز کن که فردا نماند مجال سخن |
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