Story OF THE RICH MAN AND THE NOBLE POOR MAN حکایت مرد ثروتمند و مرد فقیر

Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی

A haughty one, drunk with the pride of high place,
Shut the door of his house in a poor beggar’s face.
The pauper sat down in a corner, distressed;
Liver hot and sighs cold, from the fire in his breast.  
  شنیدم که مغروری از کبر مست
در خانه بر روی سائل ببست
به کنجی درون رفت و بنشست مرد
جگر گرم و آه از تف سینه سرد
His sobs reached the ears of a man who was blind:
“What has vexed you and caused you this fury of mind”?
He told shedding tears on the dust of the road
Of the cruel oppression that proud person showed  
شنیدش یکی مرد پوشیده چشم
بپرسیدش از موجب کین و خشم
فرو گفت و بگریست بر خاک کوی
جفائی کزان شخصش آمد به روی  
He replied, “Oh unknown one! abandon your care!
For the night share my dwelling and break your fast there”!
By kindness and coaxing he made him subdued
Took him home to his house and regaled him with food .
بگفت ای فلان ترک آزار کن
یک امشب به نزد من افطار کن
به خلق و فریبش گریبان کشید
به خانه در آوردش و خوان کشید  
The Dervish of luminous nature reposed, closed”!
And said, “May the Lord ope your eyes that are
بر آسود درویش روشن نهاد
بگفت ایزدت روشنایی دهاد
Some drops, in the night, from his eyes trickled free;
He oped them at dawn and the world he could see!
Through the city the story was told with surprise,
That the man who was blind in the night oped his eyes.  
شب از نرگسش قطره چندی چکید
سحر دیده بر کرد وعالم بدید
حکایت به شهر اندر افتاد و جوش
که آن بی بصر دیده بر کرد دوش
The hard-hearted tyrant was told the affair
From whom the poor man had gone off in despair.
He said, “Oh thou favoured of Fate, tell me true!
How has this hard affair become easy to you?
شنید این سخن خواجه سنگدل
که برگشت درویش از او تنگدل
بگفتا حکایت کن ای نیکبخت
که چون سهل شد بر تو این کار سخت؟
Who caused your earth-ligh ting-up candle to blaze”?
He answered: “Oh tyrant, of burdensome days!
Your vision was short and your wisdom depraved;
With the sad-visaged owl, not the Phoenix, you slaved.  
که بر کردت این شمع گیتی فروز؟
بگفت ای ستمگار برگشته روز
تو کوته نظر بودی و سست رای
که مشغول گشتی به جغد از همای
In my face, the same person has opened the door,
In whose face you had shut it, the eVning before.
If you kiss but the dust of the feet of such men,
By manhood ! the light will approach you again.  
به روی من این در کسی کرد باز
که کردی تو بر روی او در، فراز
اگر بوسه بر خاک مردان زنی
به مردی که پیش آیدت روشنی
Those people whose heart’s eyes are totally blind,
Appear to neglect this eye-salve in their mind “.
When the man of changed fortune this censuring met,
At his fingers he gnawed with the teeth of Regret;
کسانی که پوشیده چشم دلند
همانا کز این توتیا غافلند
چو برگشته دولت ملامت شنید
سر انگشت حسرت به دندان گزید
“My falcon,” he said, ” fell to your snare as game;
The good fortune was mine, but it went to your name “.
When has any one brought the male hawk to his net.
Who has, mouse-like, his teeth upon avarice set?
که شهباز من صید دام تو شد
مرا بود دولت به نام توشد
کسی چون بدست آورد جره باز
فرو برده چون موش دندان به آز؟
Beware, if the path of the good you select!
Do not show in your service a moment’s neglect!
Feed the partridge, the quail, and the pigeon with care,
For some day the griffin may fall to your snare.
الا گر طلبکار اهل دلی
ز خدمت مکن یک زمان غافلی
خورش ده به گنجشک و کبک وحمام
که یک روزت افتد همایی به دام
When Humility’s arrow you ev’rywhere cast,
You may hope to bring game to your keeping, at last.
But one pearl will be found in a number of shells;
On the target, but one, in a hundred shafts, tells.
چو هر گوشه تیر نیاز افگنی
امیدست ناگه که صیدی زنی
دری هم برآید ز چندین صدف
ز صد چوبه آید یکی بر هدف


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