Story on Gaining Hearts by Kindness حکایت در معنی صید کردن دلها به احسان

Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی

On the road, there came running my way a young man;
Behind him a sheep with alacrity ran.
a Have you hold of a rope or a tether?” I said,
By which the poor creature is after you led “?
  به ره در یکی پیشم آمد جوان
بتگ در پیش گوسفندی دوان
بدو گفتم این ریسمان است و بند
که میآرد اندر پیت گوسفند
The collar and chain he removed from it, deft,
And then scampered about, from the right to the left
Immediately after him hurried the pet,
As if barley and grass from his fingers it ate.  
  سبک طوق و زنجیر از او باز کرد
چپ و راست پوییدن آغاز کرد
هنوز از پیش تازیان می‌دوید
که جو خورده بود از کف مرد وخوید
On returning from sporting and playing, again,
He looked at me, saying, ” Oh wise among men
This tether, it is not that’hrings it with me,
But the noose on its neck is kind treatment] you see.”  
  چو باز آمد از عیش و بازی بجای
مرا دید و گفت ای خداوند رای
نه این ریسمان می‌برد با منش
که احسان کمندی است در گردنش
The elephant wanton, from kindness enjoyed,
Attacks not the man, as his keeper employed.  
  به لطفی که دیده‌ست پیل دمان
نیارد همی حمله بر پیلبان
To the bad be indulgent, oh thou who art good
For the dog will keep watch when he eats of your food.
To the man the Pard’s teeth become blunt by degrees,
Who rubs on its tongue, for a day or two, cheese.  
  بدان را نوازش کن ای نیکمرد
که سگ پاس دارد چو نان تو خورد
بر آن مرد کندست دندان یوز
که مالد زبان بر پنیرش دو روز


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