Story ON THE HUMILITY OF GOOD MEN حکایت در معنی تواضع نیکمردان

Bustan Saadi بوستان سعدی

I have heard that a sage, fearing God for God’s sake,
Had his collar caught fast by a wild, tipsy rake.
From that sinner the man, of interior pure,
Raised his head not, though blows he was forced to endure.
شنیدم که فرزانهای حق پرست
گریبان گرفتش یکی رند مست
ازان تیره دل مرد صافی درون
قفا خورد و سر بر نکرد از سکون
Some one said to him, “You are a man, too, at least!
Tis a pity to bear with this dissolute beast.”
The good-natured person heard all he could say,
And answered him, “Talk not to me in that way!
یکی گفتش آخر نه مردی تو نیز؟
تحمل دریغ است از این بی تمیز
شنید این سخن مرد پاکیزه خوی
بدو گفت از این نوع دیگر مگوی
The ignorant drunkard will men’s raiment tear;
Who to fight with a fierce, warlike lion would dare?
درد مست نادان گریبان مرد
که با شیر جنگی سگالد نبرد
It becomes not a sage who can caution command,
To fix on a weak drunkard’s collar his hand.
ز هشیار عاقل نزیبد که دست
زند در گریبان نادان مست
A virtuous person so passes his days,
That oppression he bears and with kindness repays.”


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