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Speak Persian without Learning Grammar

Speak Persian without Learning Grammar

In this modern world of continuous development of human being existence, only those people who have the abilities to adapt to the changes and the ability to deal with other people, live a premium life. One of the most important abilities to deal with people of the world is knowing two languages. some people join […]

How to improve your spoken Persian: 8 tips

How to improve your spoken Persian: 8 tips

When you ask a language learner what their goals are, almost everyone says “improve my speaking”. Just like improving your writing, listening, or any other skill, there are techniques you can use to improve your spoken Persian in a targeted way. Here are eight of our favorites. Best Farsi Learning Resource! 1. Speak, speak, speak […]

5 Simple Ways to Teach Your Child Persian

5 Simple Ways to Teach Your Child Persian

8 easy tricks for improving your Persian skills

8 easy tricks for improving your Persian skills

How to Learn Persian on Your Own

How to Learn Persian on Your Own

Can I improve my Persian without joining Persian Classes

Can I improve my Persian without joining Persian Classes

15 Things to STOP Doing When Learning Persian!

15 Things to STOP Doing When Learning Persian!

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do when Learning Persian

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do when Learning Persian

5 reasons why mistakes shouldn’t stop you from speaking Persian

5 reasons why mistakes shouldn’t stop you from speaking Persian

Essential tips to learn Persian without spending money

Essential tips to learn Persian without spending money

5 Simple Tricks to Learn Persian Quickly

5 Simple Tricks to Learn Persian Quickly

10 Easy Ways to Learn Persian Effortlessly

10 Easy Ways to Learn Persian Effortlessly